BTU joins MINT Zukunft e.V.
The national initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg are pursuing the same goals in the field of STEM promotion and are jointly focusing on getting pupils interested in Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Technology (MINT), supporting schools in the area of STEM promotion and ultimately arousing young people's interest in studying in STEM study programmes. In particular, the focus is also on increasing the proportion of female students and ensuring and increasing the quality of graduates.
"As the only university of technology in the state of Brandenburg, BTU is particularly supportive of the promotion of STEM subjects," emphasizes BTU Vice-President for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Peer Schmidt. "Arousing curiosity and interest in mathematical and scientific phenomena and technical issues among schoolchildren is the best prerequisite for successfully entering STEM study programs. BTU has long been committed to this with a wide range of activities, from the children's and pupils' university to the opportunities offered by the pupils' laboratories on its campus."
"We are delighted to welcome the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg as a new member of our initiative. With BTU, we are gaining a strong partner who is passionate about pursuing our common goals of excellent STEM promotion. As the only university of technology in Brandenburg, BTU is an important driver of STEM promotion in the region. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg shares our vision of STEM education that empowers young people to master the challenges of the future. Together, we will work to fund the next generation of STEM talent and further increase the attractiveness of STEM study programs," says the Chairman of the Board of "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel.
Specifically, pupils at BTU can find exciting experimentation opportunities in the school laboratories of the Centre for Student Acquisition and Study Preparation - College, as well as in the DLR_School_Lab of the German Aerospace Center. In another BTU College project, the MINT motivation initiative, the potential of VR and AR worlds of experience is being used to improve teaching and learning and to implement new types of learning arrangements. The aim is to promote future-oriented study preparation and support.
STEM support at BTU is extended to all areas of the student life cycle: Outstanding examples of STEM activities are the MINT-EC camps for students* in Materials Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering as well as the Excellence STEM Camp Biology. With the variety of programs and current scientific issues that the students work on, these camps have a national reach. The BTU's STEM Women's Scholarship, which is aimed at schoolgirls and professionally qualified women who decide to study for a Bachelor's degree in a STEM subject on their way to a successful academic career, provides support when starting their studies. It currently covers 19 study programmes. Last but not least, the BTU's STEM ambassadors are contact persons who act as role models and provide advice and support to pupils, students and doctoral candidates with questions about studying.
The Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) is the only university of technology in the state of Brandenburg to take responsibility for the sustainable development of the Lusatia region undergoing structural change. With scientific expertise and practical solutions, it contributes to shaping the major issues of the future and transformation processes. The focus is on interdisciplinary key research areas, networking and close cooperation with partners in science and business. BTU offers its students the opportunity to realize their potential and help shape the future. Excellent supervision, small study groups, state-of-the-art equipment and unique course profiles characterize the study conditions. Many students appreciate the international yet informal atmosphere on the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg campus.
The national initiative "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" is a community of companies, associations, foundations and initiatives and is committed to strengthening STEM education. The aim is to get more young people interested in STEM and to fund the skills in society. The Berlin-based initiative awards the "STEM-friendly school" and "digital school" labels. In 2024, around 2,500 schools in Germany will carry a signet. The "STEM-friendly schools" are sponsored by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (KMK), while the "digital schools" are under the patronage of Federal Minister for Digital Affairs Dr. Volker Wissing. "MINT Zukunft schaffen!" is a co-founder and member of the National STEM Forum.The initiative also publishes monthly data on the STEM gap, a biannual STEM report (STEM Meter), awards scholarships, STEM awards for students and the "MINT Minded Company" student prize for companies. The initiative is under the patronage of the Federal Chancellor.
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