Inaugural lectures in the MINT faculty

Prof. Daria Gorelova (Chair of Computational Materials Modelling) and Prof. Ivan Ndip (Chair of Antennas and Radio Frequency Systems Integration) will give their inaugural lectures. All interested parties are cordially invited to this event.

Computational Materials Modelling

Dynamics of electrons underlie various processes in matter. For example, a chemical reaction starts from rearrangements of electrons or the process of conversion of light into electricity starts from excitation of electrons by light. Capturing the behaviour of electrons during transformations would help to influence and control technologically relevant processes. But this is a non-trivial task, since time scales of electronic motion lie between one trillionth and one quadrillionth of a second (10-18... 10-15 sec), and relevant spatial scales, which are interatomic distances, are on a nanometre scale. In my talk, I will discuss how this is indeed possible and how Theoretical Physics helps with this task.

Antennas and high-frequency system integration

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ivan Ndip is head of the Chair of Antennas and Radio Frequency System Integration, which was founded in February 2023 at BTU's main campus in Cottbus. He is also Head of Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) in Berlin and Head of the IZM branch office in Cottbus. Professor Ndip currently teaches on the Master's degree programmes in Electrical Engineering, Physics, Micro- & Nanoelectronics, Artificial Intelligence Technology and Business Administration and Engineering at BTU. In his current seminars at BTU, he provides students with a solid theoretical and practical foundation for a successful career in science and industry.

Hörsaal B
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus

Contact us

Dr. rer. nat. Ion Dan Borcia
Dekanat Fakultät 1
T +49 (0) 355 69-3097