
You know what you want to study? Then we will guide you through the application process. Here you will find all the information you need to apply for Bachelor's, Master's or PhD programs. If you are still looking for the right degree programme, please take a look at our pages for advice and orientation.
If you come from abroad, you can find programs to acquire the necessary university entrance qualification with ESiSt and Bridge to Studies. In addition, you can also apply for a guest student or part-time student program here.

Eine Dozentin der angewandten Chemie erklärt mikroskopierte Materialstrukturen.

Bachelor Degree Programmes

for prospective students who want to study a Bachelor's degree at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Studierende des Maschinenbaus mit Schwerpunkt Triebwerkstechnik untersuchen eine Flugzeugturbine.

Master Degree Programmes

for prospective students who want to study a Master’s degree at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Ein Doktorhut als das Symbol einer erfolgreichen Promotion.


for graduates seeking a doctorate or a structured Ph.D. programme

Programmes for international students

Bridge to Studies - Onlinetrack

Undertake intensive linguistic preparation online already in your home country or from a distance for studies at BTU.

Study as a guest

Zwei Studierende einer anderen deutschen Hochschule sitzen im Hörsaal und besuchen eine Vorlesung der BTU.

Auditing Student

for students from other German universities who wish to take advantage of individual courses offered by BTU as part of their studies