Sebastian-Alexander Grünwald M.Sc.
Academic Staff/Doctoral Candidate

Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus
LG 2B, R. 1.16

Tel.   +49 355 - 69 2078
Fax.  +49 355 - 69 3046

2023 – Jetzt Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Doktorand am FG Stadtplanung, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
2022 - 2023Stadtplaner im Büro mayerwittig Architektur • Stadtplanung, Cottbus
2020 - 2021Mitarbeit bei der Koordinierungsstelle Wohnungstausch in der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam, kollektiv stadtsucht, Cottbus
2019 - 2022Studium der Stadtplanung (Master of Science) an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Abschlussarbeit: Instrumente und Maßnahmen zur postsozialistischen Transformation der Wohnraumversorgung in Cottbus. Eine Stadt zwischen Wachstumshoffnung und Schrumpfungsrealität, Prof. Dr. Nina Gribat
2018Praktikum in der Redaktion Bauwelt, u. a. redaktionelle Mitarbeit Stadtbauwelt 219 "Digitale Stadt"
seit 2018Freier Urbanist in div. Planungs- und Forschungsbüros
2016 - 2018Studium der Urbanistik (Master Of Science) an der Bauhaus Universität Weimar
Abschlussarbeit: Der Sozialstaat und die Wohnraumversorgung. Zur Entwicklung der wohnungspolitischen Debatte um die soziale Wohnraumversorgung im 17. und 18. Deutschen Bundestag, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig
2016Studentischer Mitarbeiter am FG Planungs- und Architektursoziologie, Prof. Dr. Martina Löw, TU Berlin, Projekt "Housing our Selfes: An Ethnography of Active Inhabitation", Dr. Martin Fuller
2015 - 2016Studium der Soziologie (Ohne Abschluss) an der Technischen Universität Berlin
2013 - 2015Studentischer Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Entwerfen, Wohn- und Sozialbauten, Prof. Bernd Huckriede, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
2011 - 2015Studium der Architektur (Bachelor of Science) an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Title of the promotional project (working title): The Scheduled Transformation - Structural Change Projects Between Time and Success Pressure (2023 - Now)

The concept of transformation is not uniformly defined due to its complexity and dependence on the chosen research perspective on a development process referred to as transformation. However, attempts at defining it share an openness or ambiguity regarding the timeframe in which transformation processes occur, as these are usually not precisely quantifiable. The structural change in the Lausitz region represents a kind of "scheduled transformation process," politically limited to the year 2038 by the "Structural Strengthening Law for Coal Regions." This entails not only increased time and success pressure on political and public actors but also an expectation that the deliberate scheduling of structural change will contribute to increased conflict in planning projects and more confrontational interest situations in the context of urban or urban development planning by municipalities. This situation is further exacerbated by external factors and challenges such as climate change, economic development, or general political disillusionment. Thus, the question arises of how planning projects will respond to this heightened conflict. Therefore, the promotional project aims to investigate whether and how various actors in the field of municipal development planning respond to this conflict as well as to the increased time and success pressure in the context of the regional transformation process.

Structural support in the Lausitz region: exploratory data analysis of the spatial distribution of EU aid (2020)

The exploratory data analysis examines the distribution of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), specifically the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), in the Brandenburgian Lausitz region during the 2014-2020 funding period. Furthermore, it investigates whether the funding measures of both EU Structural Funds spatially align with the central place system of regional development in the Lausitz region.

Other Research Focus Areas:

Housing policy and housing supply in the context of integrated urban development planning Common-good-oriented urban and project development, co-production Experimental methods of urban mediation

Grünwald, Sebastian/Schulze, Laura/Voigt, Sebastian/Zlatic, Zlatic (2020): Strukturförderung in der Lausitz – Explorative Datenanalyse zur räumlichen Verteilung der EU-Hilfe, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

2022 - JetztSpeicherrat Cottbus e. V.
2022"Cottbus Arrivaled: Experiencing the Culture of Arrival," a transdisciplinary theater workshop as part of the Planner's Meeting 2022 in Cottbus "In the Footsteps of Art and Culture," with Karoline Leder (Foundation SPI).
2020 - 2021"Koordinierungsstelle Wohnungstausch in der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam", kollektiv stadtsucht
2021Future Workshop "Cottbus von Unten"
2021"Düttmann und Stadt als Individuum", Concept for an Acoustically Guided City Walk within the Exhibition 'Werner Düttmann Berlin.Build.Work' at the Brücke Museum, POLIGONAL. Office for Urban Mediation
2020"Alle Jahre Wohnungsfrage","City Walk + Audiowalk on Charlottenburg Living Conditions," at the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf District Museum, POLIGONAL. Office for Urban Mediation