Dr. Emily Bereskin
Academic Staff

Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus
LG 2B, R. 1.16  

Tel.   +49 355 - 69 2075
Fax.  +49 355 - 69 3046


since 2020Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Urban Planning, Prof. Dr. Nina Gribat, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
2019 – 2020Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator, Governing the Narcotic City: Imaginaries, Practices, and Discourses of Public Drug Cultures from 1970 until Today
Cultural Studies Institute Essen
2018 – 2019Senior Researcher, MODSCAPES: Modernist Reinvention of the Rural Landscape (EU-HERA).
Technical University of Berlin, Habitat Unit – Chair of International Urbanism and Design
Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculty for Architecture La Cambre Horta
2017 – 2019Lecturer; City Profiles and Indicator Systems
Technical University of Berlin, Urban Management Masters Programm
2017Lecturer; Integrated Urban Management Project: Sustainable Models of Heritage Conservation and Revitalization
Technical University of Berlin, Urban Management Masters Programm
2014 – todayLecturer, Architectural History, Urban Politics, and Theory Norwich University CityLab Berlin
2012 – 2015DFG Postdoctoral Research Fellow, International Graduate Research Program, Berlin - New York – Toronto The World in the City: Metropolitanism and Globalization from the Nineteenth Century until the Present
Technische Universität Berlin, Center for Metropolitan Studies
2012 – 2013Teaching Fellow, Architekturgeschichte
Northeastern University Berlin
2012Ph.D. degree completion, Philosophy of Art History, Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
2007Master of Arts, Kunstgeschichte, Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States.
2006 – 2007 Teaching Assistant, Architektur der Moderne; Planung und historischer Urbanismus
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States
2005Commencement of Masters/PhD program. Art History, Bryn Mawr College
1993 – 2003Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Arts), Art History, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.


“All that is possible is the city,” in Emerging Possibilities, eds. Elizabeth Bonapfel and Alex Henning. Brill (forthcoming 2023).

Bereskin, E. und Muth, C. (2023) Über ein Leben in geplanter Ungewissheit, in: Landkreis Oder-Spree/Förderverein Burg Beeskow (Hg.) Vom Kommen und Gehen. Kursbuch Oder-Spree, Beeskow, Verlag Berlin-Brandenburg.

“Going to Places and Staying at Home: Reflections on Critical Cartography and Desktop Documentation in Online Education,” with Natacha Quintero González in Situational Sites, eds. Sean Burns and Matthew Wilson. Routledge (2022).

”Den Wandel leben,” with Monique Jüttner and Christoph Muth in Vom Essen und Trinken. Kursbuch Oder-Spree, eds. Landkreis Oder-Spree/Förderverein Burg Beeskow. Verlag Berlin-Brandenburg (2021).

“Case-Studies from Brandenburg: The Reconceptualization of Modernist Structures in Post-Socialist Rural Regions,“ with Christoph Muth in 100 Years Bauhaus. What Interest Do We Take In Modern Movement Today?, eds. U. Pottgiesser, F. Jaschke, M. Melenhorst Lemgo, (2020).

Modern Rural Landscapes in Contemporary Heritage Imaginaries: The Case of Germany’s Southern Oderbruch” in Modernism, Modernisation, and the Rural Landscape. Modscapes and Baltic Landscape Forum 2018 Conference Proceedings (2018).

“The Rural Transition: Analyzing the Development of Landscape Before and After German Reunification in 1990” with Christoph Muth and Vittoria Capresi in Modernism, Modernisation, and the Rural Landscape. Modscapes and Baltic Landscape Forum 2018 Conference Proceedings (2018).

Sustainable Models of Heritage Conservation and Revitalization: A Proposal for the Historic Villages of Vuno and Qeparo, Albania. Emily Bereskin and Christian Haid (eds.) Berlin: Technical University Berlin in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zussamenarbeit (2018).

Tourism Provision as Protest in the ‘Post-conflict City’” in Protest and Resistance in the Tourist City, eds. Johannes Novy and Claire Colomb. London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis (2016). 

“Infrastructures of Juncture: Separation Barriers and Intercommunal Contact in Belfast and Nicosia,” New Diversities Special Issue: The Infrastructures of Diversity: Materiality and Culture in Urban Space. vol. 17 no. 2 (2016).

“Sinking or Surfacing? Belfast´s Titanic Comeback” Book review: Relaunching Titanic: Memory and Marketing in the New Belfast, ed. William J.V. Neill and Berna Grist (London: Routledge, 2014). Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal vol. 8 no. 3 (Spring 2015).

“Staging the Post-conflict City: Tourism, Urban Change, and Symbolic Contestation in Belfast, Northern Ireland.” PhD diss., Bryn Mawr College, ProQuest Depository, (2012).

“Urban Space and Group Identity during the Funeral Rites of Lech Kaczynski” European City/Evropské Město (2010).

Invited Lectures and Selected Research Presentations

“Intersections of Tourism and New Labour and Leisure Patterns” Worlds of Related Coercion in Work University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; 12-15. Oktober 2023.

“Cosmopolitanism as Tactic: Placemaking for Tourism and Peace” Tourism Mobilities, Social Exclusion and Planning for Urban Resilience, SMARTDEST Barcelona, Spain; 15-16. September 2023.

“Collective Housing Models and Development in the GDR and Traces and Legacies Today” Illinois Institute of Technology Berlin Studio; Berlin, Deutschland; 15. November 2022.

“Uninhabitable Spaces in a Conflict Landscape: The Case of Cyprus” Critical Inhabitations University of Rostock; Rostock, Germany; June 23-25, 2022.

"The Preservation of Fear and the Performance of Futuring in Protracted Ethnic Conflict: A Case Study of the "Occupied Municipalities" of Cyprus.” Ecologies of Fear: Spatial Policies and Imaginaries of Danger Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (KWI); Essen, Germany; September 2-4, 2021.

"Going to Places and Staying at Home: Critical Reflections on Thematic Cartography and Desktop Documentation in Online Education” with Natacha Quintero González  Online Education: Responding to a Crisis, and more; Architecture Media Politics and Society and supported by Routledge, Ball State University, the University of Kassel, the University of Pretoria, and Beaconhouse University. Virtual, April 21 - 23 2021

“Conflict Tourism and Peacebuilding: Reflections from Research in Berlin, Belfast, and Nicosia” Rewriting the Map: Literature and Urbanism in Divided Cities Literarisches Colloquium Berlin; Berlin, Deutschland; Juli 25-27, 2019.

“Divided Cities and Divided Landscapes: Spatial Division in the City and the Countryside” Norwich University, Northfield Vermont, March 19, 2009.

“The Reconceptualization of Modernist Structures and Planning Principles in Post-Socialist Rural Regions” with Christoph Muth The 16th DOCOMOMO Germany / 3rd RMB Conference ”100 years Bauhaus: Which interest do we take in Modern Movement today?” Berlin, Germany; March 1, 2019.

“Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape” Neue Felder, Neue Dörfer: Praxis und Ästhetik einer post-sozialistischen Landschaft Libken Denk und Produktions Ort; Gerswalde, Germany; September 13-16, 2018.

“Memorials and Commemorative Languages in East and West Berlin” CIEE Berlin Global Institute Berlin, German, July 17.

“Modern Rural Landscapes in Contemporary Heritage Imaginaries: The Case of Germany’s Southern Oderbruch” Modernism, Modernisation, and the Rural Landscape; Modscapes and Baltic Landscape Forum 2018 Estonian National Museum, Tartu, Estonia; June 11-13, 2018.

“The Rural Transition: Analyzing the Development of Landscape Before and After German Reunification in 1990” with Christoph Muth and Vittoria Capresi Modernism, Modernisation, and the Rural Landscape; Modscapes and Baltic Landscape Forum 2018 Estonian National Museum, Tartu, Estonia; June 11-13, 2018.

“Contestation and Planning at Tempelhof Airport” Concord Academy Berlin, Germany: May 21, 2017.

“Shared Space in Divided Cities” Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design; University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany; January 18, 2017.

“Divided Cities: Case Studies in Planning and Policy from Northern Ireland and Cyprus” Technical University Berlin Urban Management Berlin, Germany; November 21, 2016.

“Beyond Preservation: An Argument for Social Engagement in Post-conflict Heritage Practice” Roundtable: Cities, Preservation, and Violence Fourth International Conference of the European Architectural History Network Dublin, Ireland; June 2-4, 2016.

“Infrastructures of Division, Infrastructure of Juncture: Separation Barriers and Intercommunal Contact in Belfast and Nicosia” The Infrastructures of Diversity: Materiality and Culture in Urban Space Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity; Göttingen, Germany; July 9-10, 2015.

“Tourism Provision as Protest in Post-conflict Belfast” Protest and Resistance in the Tourist City Berlin, Germany; November 27-30, 2014.

“Transforming Temporal Strategies of Conflict Transformation: Manipulating Memory as an Instrument of Peacebuilding in Cyprus” Questioning the Temporalities of Metropolitan Memory Technical University Berlin, Germany; November 19, 2014.

“Animating Heritage Practices as a Peacebuilding Mechanism” Work in Public Decad Gallery Berlin, Germany; October 25, 2014.

“The Bauhaus and ‘das Neue Wohnen’ in Weimar Berlin” The Global Scholars Program Summer Research Workshop: Contemporary Cities of Eurasia: Berlin, Moscow, Ulan Bator, Beijing, Berlin, Germany; June 16, 2014.

“Revealing Heritage in a Divided City: Urban Exploration and Conflict Narratives in Nicosia, Cyprus” Critical Ethnographies of Heritage in the Mediterranean; 5th Annual Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference University of Bergamo; Bergamo, Italy; June 5-7, 2014.

“Placemaking and Conflict Transformation in Nicosia, Cyprus” On the Frontiers of Place-Making Graduate Center CUNY; New York, United States; April 4, 2014.

“Urban Development and Civic Identity in Nicosia, Cyprus” Reconstruction and Reconciliation, Critical Legal Studies Queens University; Belfast, Northern Ireland; September 5-7, 2013.

“Tourism as an Activist Strategy in Northern Ireland” Urban-Activism-Scholarship: Global Discourses in Local Historical and Contemporary Contexts. First Annual IGK Conference. Technical University; Berlin, Germany; November 2-3, 2012.

“Culture Expressions in Belfast: 1998 – 2011” Denkstadt Lecture Series Center for Metropolitan Studies, Technical University; Berlin, Germany; September 15, 2011.

“Tourism and the Built Environment in Post-conflict Cities: A Study of Belfast, Berlin and Beirut” Transatlantic Perspectives on the Metropolis; 3rd Annual TGK Conference Technical University; Berlin, Germany; June 17-18, 2010.

“Ethnicity and Public Art in the Symbolic Landscape” Ethnicity and the City Research Conference Bratislava/Vienna Sponsored by the Multicultural Center Prague; Bratislava, Slovakia; May 14-18, 2010.

“Reflections on Urban Space and Group Identity during the Funeral Rites of Lech Kaczynski” Ethnicity and the City Research Conference Ostrava/Krakow The Multicultural Center Prague; Krakow, Poland; April 16-21, 2010.

“Transitional Spaces in Northern Ireland: The Reframing and Recentering of Political Murals in Belfast” Interstices: Carving and Painting Urban Environments Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia; Lisbon, Portugal; July 9-11, 2009.

“Thanatourism and the Transformation of Visual Culture in Northern Ireland” To the Ends of the Earth: Journeys Ancient and Modern; Graduate Group Symposium Bryn Mawr College; Bryn Mawr, United States; October 12-13, 2007.

“Sporting Spaces: The 2006 FIFA World Cup and Berlin’s Public Sphere” Public Space Symposium Bryn Mawr College; Bryn Mawr, United States; April 15, 2007.

Summer Schools


Volunteer Work

Member, Görlitzer Park Advisory Committee, Berlin.