Semester Fee

The semester fee for the summer semester 2025 consists of the following amounts:

Contribution to the student services100.00 Euros
Contribution to the semesterticket (29,40 EUR/month)176,40 Euros
Contribution to the student body  14.00 Euros
Enrolment and registration fees  51.00 Euros
Total341,40 Euros

If there are circumstances that reduce the fee (semester of leave, ...), the total amount of the semester fee is reduced accordingly.

Please transfer the semester fees to the following bank account:

Zahlungsempfänger: / Remittee:BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Kreditinstitut: / Bank:Sparkasse Spree-Neiße
IBAN:DE 67 1805 0000 3111 1030 20
Betrag / Amount:Euro
Referenznummer/Verwendungszweck: / Reference Number/Reason for Transfer:20251 Matrikelnummer

Fees for Master programs (continuing education)

Students wishing to enroll in Master programs (continuing education)  have to pay the following fees:

Master in Forensic Science and Engineering: 2.500,00 €/1. and 2. semester

Master in Urban Design Revitalization of Historic City Districs (Double master expiring):

1.500,00 €/1. semester / 750,00 €/ from the 4. semester

Master in Business Law for Technology Companies:  500,00 €/semester