6th BTU Transfer Day Ideas are chances
Under the motto "With innovative materials to new perspectives", the 6th BTU Transfer Day finally took place again as a face-to-face event, for the first time on the same day as the campus-X-change recruiting fair, the largest job fair for academic professionals in the state of Brandenburg.
The President of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Panne, opened the day with his keynote speech on the topic "Thinking new. Doing new things. - How transfer can work". Under the motto "Innovative WissenschaftX = Lausitz im Wandel" (Innovative ScienceX = Lusatia in Transition), an interesting discussion round took place, led by Prof. Michael Hübner (Vice President for Research and Transfer at BTU) together with his guests Prof. Ulrich Panne (President of BAM), Jens Krause (General Manager of IHK Cottbus), Fred Mahro (Mayor of Guben) and Frank Mehlow (Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG). Subsequently, Prof. Fischer and Prof. Acker presented their expertise, research interests and cooperation offers to the audience with their lectures under the aspect of "Best Practice Transfer".
An accompanying exhibition on site as well as tours around the campus rounded off the Transfer Day.
Many thanks to all involved for their participation and organization of the 6th BTU Transfer Day! Below you will find some insights: