Shraddha Bhatawadekar
Jahrgang 1986, Dr. phil., M.A.; Masterstudium der Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology am Deccan College Post Graduate & Research Institute, Pune; Bachelorstudium (B.A.) der History an der Mumbai University; 2009–2013 Tätigkeit für ein Denkmalpflege-Büro in Mumbai (Erarbeitung von Nomination Dossiers, Site Management Plans, Conservation Reports, Impact Assessments, Visitor Survey, Analysis & Profile Studies, Tourism Management Plans etc.); seit 10 Jahren Heritage Walks & Education Projects in Mumbai für Schüler, Jugendliche, Touristen und Bürger; 2013–2014 The Asiatic Society of Mumbai Junior Research Fellow in Social Sciences; 2015–2016 Nehru-Fulbright Academic & Professional Excellence Fellow an der University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA; 2016–2017 Alexander von Humboldt Bundeskanzlerstipendiatin an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg; seit April 2017 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten“ der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg am Lehrstuhl Denkmalpflege.
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Eisenbahnerbe; Industrieerbe; Weltkulturerbe; Denkmalpflege; Cultural Significance; People-centered Approach; Impact Assessment; Site Management Plans.
Decolonising Museum Narratives: A Comparative Study
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Transport and Communication as Symbols of Modernity in India: A Cultural Perspective. In: E. Muhidine (Hg.): Indian Architecture in Postcards: A New Perspective on a Modern Heritage, Bielefeld 2023, S. 107–128.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: As Heritage becomes World Heritage: Current Processes of Heritagisation at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Mumbai, in: Ess, Julia et al. (Hg.): WerteWandel. Prozesse, Strategien und Konflikte in der gebauten Umwelt, Basel/Berlin 2021, S. 147–158.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Protection of Rail Heritage in India: Challenges & Opportunities, in: Jamkhedkar A.P. / Aiyer, Indira / Khare, Ambarish (Eds.): Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai, Volume 88 for 2014–2015, Mumbai 2018, S. 1–16.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Tourism Development at Railway Stations – A Case of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Mumbai, in: TICCIH XVII International Congress Proceedings, Santiago, Chile 2018, S. 891–896.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha / Adhikari, Tejaswini: Railway Heritage and Identity. Interpreting Railways as ‘Third Places’ – A Case of Mumbai, in: Interpret Europe Conference Proceedings, Witzenhausen 2018, S. 14–21.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Popular Perceptions of Railway Heritage. A Case of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Mumbai, in: Manatunga, Anura (Hg.): History of Land Transportation, Locomotive Heritage and Road Culture of South Asia, International Conference Proceedings Centre for Heritage Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri-Lanka 2017, S. 195–208.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Heritage Walks: A first step in urban heritage activism in Mumbai, in: Lee, Rachel / Barbé, Diane / Fenk, Anne-Kathrin / Misselwitz, Philipp (Hg.): Things Don’t Really Exist Until You Give Them a Name: Unpacking Urban Heritage, Dar-es-Salaam 2017, S. 302–309.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: People-centered Approach to Cultural Heritage Conservation: Challenges & Opportunities, Case of Caves of Mumbai, in: Vileikis, Ona (Hg.): World Heritage Theory, Policy and Practice International Conference Proceedings. Cottbus: International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V., Cottbus 2017, S. 238–254.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Heritage walks as a tool for engaging youth in heritage, in: encatcSCHOLAR for lifelong learning on policies and cultural management, issue#7. European Network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education (ENCATC) 2017.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha / Yedurkar, Chinmay: Role of Heritage Education in Cultural Heritage Conservation, in: Macchia, Andrea et al. (Hg.): YOCOCU 2014: Professionals’ Experiences in Cultural Heritage Conservation in America, Europe, and Asia, Cambridge 2016, S. 9–18.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus: Values, Significance & Tourism, in: Marwah, Jyoti / Bhambi, Rita (Hg.): Heritage Tourism: Marketing Legacy, Delhi 2014, S. 78–93.
Bhatawadekar, Shraddha: A Legacy That Defines Mumbai: The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, in: Maharashtra Unlimited, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pune 2014, S. 48–53.
31. Humboldt India Project Workshop, Institut für Asien und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin am 31. Januar 2020 in Berlin.
Titel des Vortrags: Shaping of railway architecture in India: A case of Victoria Terminus (now Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus).
Transregional Academy 'India and the World: New Arcs of Knowledge', Forum Transregionale Studien and Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz vom 24. bis 30. November 2019 in Indien.
Titel des Vortrags: A Railway Station as a Visual Narrative: Understanding the Railway Heritage of India in a Global Context.
Worlds of Cultural Heritage(s): History and Politics, University of Coimbra vom 7. bis 8. Februar 2019 in Coimbra, Portugal.
Titel des Vortrags: Beyond Colonial History & Politics of Heritage: Exploring the Significance of Chharapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, World Heritage Site, Mumbai.
19th Cambridge Heritage Symposium am 11./12. Mai 2018 an der University of Cambridge, UK.
Titel des Posters: Manifestations of Heritage & Authority: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (erstwhile Victoria Terminus).
Architectural History Workshop 2018, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain am 17. März 2018 in London, England.
Titel des Vortrags: Where Technology meets Living Heritage. Understanding the Significance of Built Railway Heritage in India.
19th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium vom 11. bis 15. Dezember 2017 in New Delhi, Indien.
Titel des Posters: Towards Sustainable Future: People-centered Approach to Cultural Heritage Conservation.
„Simulizi Mijini / Urban Narratives: Urban Heritage Activism“, Internationale Konferenz vom 16. bis 17. März 2017 an der Technischen Universität Berlin.
Titel der Runder-Tisch-Präsentation: Heritage Walks as a first step in Urban Heritage Activism in Mumbai: Experiences & Opportunities.
„Global Heritage at Risk“, University of Michigan Museum Studies Program Fall 2015 Lecture Series am 3. November 2015 am University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor.
Titel des Vortrags: Cultural Heritage in Sites & Museums in India: Challenges & Opportunities.
Certificate Course in Archaeology am 24. August 2013 am Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai.
Titel des Vortrags: Heritage Conservation & Management of Protected Monuments in India.
3rd International Congress of Society of South Asian Archaeology am 20./21. August 2010 an der University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Titel des Vortrags: Archaeological Resource Management in India.
International Seminar on Heritage Tourism: Prospects and Challenges am 1./2. September 2010 in Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
Titel des Vortrags: Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus: Values, Significance & Tourism.