A double-degree study programme (also called a dual-degree programme) is an academic arrangement where a student earns two separate degrees from either the same university or two different institutions. These degrees can be in related or distinct fields, and the programme typically takes less time than pursuing the two degrees separately.
There are two common types of double-degree programmes:
Internal Double Degree – Offered by a single university, where a student studies two different subjects (e.g., Business and Computer Science) and earns two separate degrees.
International Double Degree – A partnership between two universities (often in different countries), allowing students to study at both institutions and receive degrees from each.
These programmes often involve an intensive workload but can provide a competitive advantage in the job market, especially in international careers.
In the ERM Master’s programme, we offer an international double-degree programme in collaboration with Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP) in Colombia. This unique opportunity allows our students to gain academic experience in two countries while earning degrees from both institutions.
We invite you to explore this exciting programme, broaden your global perspective, and enhance your career prospects with a truly international education!