Details Specific features of the M.Sc. programme
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The Master’s Programme of the International Course of Study „Environmental and Resource Management“ comprises 4 semesters. It entails 120 credits. The programme can be studied after having completed the B.Sc. degree in ERM at BTU Cottbus. Alternatively, it can be entered with a qualified B.Sc. from another University (or comparable degrees) in Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Environmental Economics, Environmental Engineering, Pollution Control, Engineering, Environmental Protection, Ecology or related subjects. Like the Bachelor programme, the Master programme is organised in modular units. The Master program comprises 26 compulsory elective modules, a study project and the master thesis.
The modules of the Master’s Programme closely relate to those taught in the Bachelor programme and allow for a consecutive study of environmental and resource management on the postgraduate level. Because of the different educational background of the applicants no mandatory classes are fixed. Each student compiles her/his own curriculum availing the consultancy of her/his individual mentor (see Special Support Services above).
The study project is conceptualised as an interdisciplinary and problem oriented class, comprising seminars, exercises, fieldwork, institutional research, literature study etc. The main scope is the development of problem-solving skills by means of information gathering, social interaction with a team, and communication of results.
The modules are conceived as interdisciplinary and integrative entities. All modules include the treatment of strategic aspects of protection, sustainable development, and rehabilitation of environmental goods. The three basic viewpoints already introduced on the Bachelor's level (ecology, technology, and management) are still essential.
On average 20 hpw resp. 30 credits have to be studied in each semester, meaning a total of 80 hpw resp. 120 credits. Advisors will be available to guide the student in finding the optimal curriculum according to her/his individual background. It is recommended to take the 3rd semester as the semester abroad.
Programme Survey
Study period: four semesters (two years)
- Study start: winter semester
- Language of instruction: English
- Subdivision into 1 mandatory module and 12 compulsory elective modules
- Study project
- Collection of 120 credits
- One recommended semester abroad
- Master thesis
- Admission after B.Sc. degree in ERM or equivalent in a related field