Research on home economics education Job description, training and labor market prospects
4/2022 to 4/2023
The project aimed to investigate ways of motivating young people to take up the occupation of "skilled practical home economist" as well as ways of convincing employers, users of home economics services and the general public of the potential of this occupation. By offering, using and evaluating knowledge, values and experiences according to well-founded findings of media science, motivation and attitude research, trainees can be better oriented towards training in the future and transitions to the labour market can be prepared.
Main publication(s)
The result of the project was a video film entitled: "Home economics - specialising in what we need", which was made available to the client, the State Office for Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Consolidation, for the presentation of the occupation "Home Economics Specialist". The film is to be used in the context of vocational orientation, for this reason didactic accompanying materials were also developed.
Project management at the BTU
Prof. Dr. paed. Prof. Marina Ney
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Marina Ney Tobias Falke Nina Weinhold
Gemeinnützige Berufsbildungsverein Guben e.V. State Office for Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Consolidation (LELF)
State Office for Rural Development, Agriculture and Land Consolidation (LELF)