
Telephone: +49 (0) 355 69 2398
Address: LG-10, Room 519, Erich-Weinert-Strasse 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany
Note: Request for appointments via email.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Roh Pin Lee is the Professor for Decarbonization and Transformation of Industry at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg since October 2023. She comes from Singapore, is trilingual (English-German-Chinese) and has lived in Germany since 2005, where she also completed her higher academic qualifications. Her scientific background in psychology, decision sciences and international resource and environment management is complemented with knowledge of industrial technologies. The latter is acquired through her work (from 01/2015 to 09/2023) as Head of the Technology Assessment R&D division at the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC), TU Bergakademie Freiberg – one of the leading R&D organizations in Europe for circular carbon technologies; as well as via her strong international network with science and industry especially from the energy, chemical, waste management, recycling and engineering sectors.
Working at the nexus of science, technology, politics and society, her inter- and transdisciplinary background, expertise, and international experiences enable a multidimensional approach to assess socio-technological-economical-ecological-political (i.e., STEEP) opportunities and challenges that are associated with the transformation of energy and carbon intensive sectors to inform/qualify/support socio-political dialogues and decision processes for the sustainability transformation of energy- and carbon-intensive industries.
Besides leading diverse national and international public- and industry-funded projects focused on topics associated with the decarbonization and transformation of international energy- and carbon-intensive industries towards a low carbon, resource efficient, secure, circular and sustainable production, she is also active in the following capacities:
- Member of the Brandenburg Climate Advisory Board (since 07/2024)
- Steering Committee Member for the Cluster Decarbonization in Industries in Germany (since 10/2023)
- Senior Scientific Expert (Circular Economy) for the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) Scientific Expert Panel (Since 07/2023).
- Advisory Board Member:
- 12th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies (since 2024)
- Advanced Recycling Conference (since 2023) - Visiting Scientist/Expert with the Singapore Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (10/2021 – 03/2022).
- Guest lecturer and/or visiting researcher:
- Singapore Management University/SMU (since 2022)
- National University of Singapore/NUS (2022)
- Singapore University of Technology and Design/SUTD (2022)
- University of Surrey in Guildford, Großbritannien (between 2018 and 2023)
- Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 2019) - Scientific coordinator for the German National Network for a Circular Carbon Economy / NK2 Network (since 2019).
- Award as High-End Foreign Talent by the Shanxi Province, China (2018).
- Head of the organization committee for the International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies (2015 in Inner Mongolia, China; 2016 in Cologne, Germany; 2018 in Berlin, Germany; 2022 Freiberg, Germany; 2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2024 in Shanghai, China)
- Reviewer activities for scientific journals (e.g., Waste Management, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy & Environment, Energy Research & Social Science etc.).
- …
- Habilitation (Thesis: Multidimensional assessment for a carbon transition in carbon intensive industries): Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (12/2022)
- PhD (Thesis: Analysis of important psychological determinants and factors influencing energy evaluations and preferences: Implications for managing the human dimension of energy systems): TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany (01/2015)
- MBA (International Management of Resources & Environment): TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany (07/2009)
- B.A. (Psychology): National University of Singapore, Singapore (6/2020)
- Chemical recycling for China’s transition towards a circular carbon economy / CRC3-Economy (German Federal Ministry of Education & Research/BMBF; 10/2021 – 12/2025; FKZ: 01DO21008)
- BMBF Research Group Global Change “STEEP-CarbonTrans”: Social-technological-economical-ecological-political evaluation of resource and technological alternatives for carbon resources for a raw material transition in the German industry (German Federal Ministry of Education & Research/BMBF; 09/2017 – 10/2024; FKZ: 01LN1713A)
- Recommendations for a consistent framework for the application and reporting of Life-Cycle-Analyses (LCA) & Techno-Economic Assessments (TEA) to increase transparency and comparability in systemic assessments of environmental and climate impacts of chemical recycling technologies, as well as support policy discussions and public dialogue (Funded by the European Climate Foundation & collaboration with Zero Waste Europe for dissemination activities; 04/2021 – 03/2022)
- Industry consortium with RWE Power, REMONDIS, INEOS and COVESTRO to initiate a circular carbon economy in North Rhine Westphalia/ARGE-K2 NRW (100% industry-funded; 11/2018 – 10/2021)
- Sustainability evaluation of concepts for a circular carbon economy with integration of chemical coal utilization / STOKO (Joint project with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Institute of Technology Assessment and System Analysis/KIT ITAS; funded by German Federal Ministry of Education & Research/BMBF; 04/2018 – 03/2019; FKZ: 03SF0559B)
- Low CO2 coal chemistry and chemical recycling as contribution to a sustainable and low emission circular economy in Saxony and neighboring regions / STOBRA (funded by the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism/SMWK via the Sächsisches Aufbaubank/SAB; 07/2017 – 01/2018)
Carmen Baumann
Email: Carmen.Baumann(at)
T: +49 (0) 355 69 3634
Erich-Weinert-Strasse 1
03046 Cottbus, Germany
Lehrgebäude 10, R 411b
Note: Request for appointments via email.
Dr. Qiuliang Huang
Telephone: +49 (0) 355 69 2122
Address: LG-10, Room 518, Erich-Weinert-Strasse 1, 03046 Cottbus, Germany
Dr. Qiuliang Huang joined the Decarbonization and Transformation of Industry team in October 2024. She holds a PhD in Iron and Steel Technology from TU Bergakademie Freiberg, where her dissertation on an advanced heat treatment technology for stainless steels was awarded the prestigious Eduard-Maurer-Prize, underscoring the significant impact of her work in the field.
Dr. Huang expanded her engineering expertise into the chemical and waste industries during her time at the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC), an institute dedicated to reducing CO2 emissions in carbon-intensive sectors. Her expertise in the chemical field was developed while leading the young researcher group Material and Process Analysis. This group focused on creating a reliable database for energy-intensive high-temperature conversion processes, which was provided to numerical modeling teams for validation and optimization, with the ultimate goal of improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. Prior to this, her work concentrated on the development of zero-waste cities in China, with an emphasis on policies and technologies supporting carbon neutrality.
In her current role, Dr. Huang continues to deepen her expertise by focusing on the chemical recylcing for China’s Transition towards a circular carbon economy (CRC3 Project). Her research aims to address gaps in societal, economic, and innovation policy conditions in China’s waste management and chemical sectors, providing recommendations to enhance public, market, and political support for chemical recycling initiatives.
Rishab Rane (External PhD Researcher)

Rishab Rane is an external PhD researcher at the Chair of Decarbonization & Transformation of Industry. Since December 2023, he has been conducting research on the topic of "Steering Decarbonization in the Automotive Industry: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Factors Influencing Corporate Sustainability Strategies" at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg. Simultaneously, he is actively engaged as a Sustainability Consultant with Porsche Consulting.
Rishab completed his Bachelor Degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on renewable energy in Mumbai, India, his city of origin. Later, he moved to Germany to pursue a Master Degree in Sustainable Management from RWTH Aachen, including an exchange semester at Politecnico di Milano in Italy. His Master's thesis at E.On Energy Research Center was titled "Decarbonization of the German Transportation Sector." During his academic journey, he also gained industrial experience through an internship at Robert Bosch GmbH in the Sustainability and Energy Management Team.
Rishab leveraged opportunities from his work experiences at PwC in 2022 and now at Porsche Consulting. He acquired valuable project insights working with leading DAX companies, focusing on Sustainability Strategy, Sustainability Reporting, and Decarbonization. In his research, he aims to integrate technical expertise in sustainability with strategic insights into industries acquired through his consulting roles. His primary research focus includes Sustainability Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Decarbonization Strategy, Green Certification, Net-Zero Path, and Carbon Pricing.
- MSc. (Sustainable Management Energy & Water): RWTH Aachen University (09/2021)
- Bachelor (Mechanical Engineering): Mumbai University (06/2018)
Grit Tobis

Grit Tobis is part of the Decarbonization and Transformation of Industry team since October 2024. She studied communication design and media at the Wismar University of Applied Sciences and is also qualified as a business economist with a specialization in Marketing. Since October 2019, Grit has been supporting the Technology Assessment R&D division at the Institute for Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC), TU Bergakademie Freiberg in the field of science communication. As part of the 4th Saxony State Exhibition titled "Boom. 500 Years of Industrial Culture in Saxony", she was involved in the conceptual and design development of the interactive educational trail "Carbon Discovery Trail” (In German: Wissensreise Kohlenstoff).
• Diploma- Designer (Communication Design and Media): Wismar University of Applied Sciences (12/2007)
• Business Administration Diploma (Specialization in Marketing): IHK Dresden (10/2002)
Johanna Dubbins ( Student Assistant)

Johanna Dubbins is a student assistant at the chair of Decarbonization and Transformation of Industry. She has a background in social science and humanities. She studied sociology and Slavic studies with focus on Russian, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian at the Ruprecht-Karl-University Heidelberg. Next to those languages she is also fluent in English and German.
- B.A.: (Environmental and Resource Management) BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany (10/2023 - Current)
- (Slavic Studies and Sociology) Ruprecht-Karl-University Heidelberg, Germany (10/2021 - 09/2023)