Structured qualification programme

The structured qualification programme is the core element of the BTU-BAM Graduate School »Trustworthy Hydrogen«. It combines key scientific competences with essential soft skills and complements the individual doctoral projects. The PhD students will thus be qualified as generalist hydrogen experts and prepared for careers in industry, science and the public sector.
In addition to regular lectures and workshops, Welcome Days and annual Summer Schools are organised as part of the qualification programme. These events connect all Trustworthy Hydrogen PhD students and supervisors, promote the social skills of the PhD students and support their sustainable integration into the German and European hydrogen community.
The academic qualification programme includes, among others, the following interdisciplinary core competences:
- Materials science, chemistry and engineering topics of the emerging hydrogen-based economy
- Holistic understanding of the hydrogen value chain, from production to transport and storage to the different applications and sector coupling
- Knowledge of the regulatory framework incl. standardization as well as knowledge in risk assessment and evaluation
- Knowledge in the field of technology acceptance (incl. science communication) and policy consultation as well as an understanding of economic framework conditions
The acquisition of soft skill competences primarily takes place through the integration of all doctoral researchers into the »Menschen Potentiale« programme of BAM and the Graduate Research School (GRS) of BTU. The PhD students can choose those courses suitable for their profile and career plans. In addition, soft skill courses specific to hydrogen are part of the Welcome Retreat and the Summer Schools (e.g. career pathways, proposal writing, application training, etc.).