Study objective and fields of application
Computer science is a science that deals with the systematic description, analysis and design of information-processing processes. The aspects considered range from the electronic fundamentals, circuitry, architecture of computers to the development of system and application software to the social influences of computers and their networking on society. Building on the solid knowledge and skills acquired in the Bachelor's program, the Master's program is designed to enable students to work scientifically, to critically classify findings, and to make their own significant contributions to research and development. Students are prepared for challenging fields of activity in computer science. Special emphasis is placed on the ability to familiarize oneself with issues in new application areas and to systematically analyze, formally model, and validate information-processing processes. This orientation towards scientific methods optimally prepares students for the demands of a constantly changing professional world.
The study in the Master's program leads to the second professionally qualifying degree with the degree "Master of Science".The Fakultätentag der Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Informatik an Universitäten e.V. (Faculty Association of Engineering Sciences and Computer Science at Universities ) has compiled a compilation of good reasons to finish the study only with the Master's degree.
If the student leaves the university with the Master's degree, his or her chances on the job market are extraordinarily good throughout Germany and also internationally. Numerous analyses confirm the need for university graduates who are adequately trained for the rapidly expanding IT sector. As a graduate with a university degree, one is among the technical experts most likely to be able to master the many complex issues and to react with sufficient flexibility to the constant changes in requirements in the future information society.
Potential employers include regional and national hardware and software companies, as well as administrations and the public sector.
Possible fields of work are:
- Research and development of hard- and software
- Microprocessor and chip design
- Development and testing of control systems in the aerospace and automotive industry
- Communication systems and network security
- Organization and implementation of IT projects
- Quality assurance in information technology, software analysis
- Consulting and system consulting
Previous graduates of the BTU are employed in large international and national companies, many medium-sized companies and scientific institutes. Computer science graduates also contributed significantly to spin-offs and company settlements in the region. These spin-offs from the BTU offer a wide range of entry-level opportunities. Due to the high demand for graduates throughout Germany, the increasing regional demand cannot be fully met at present.
A further scientific career is possible through research at a university or other research institutes (e.g. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, IHP (Institute for Innovative Microelectronics) Frankfurt/Oder). Of course, the master's degree in computer science qualifies for doctoral studies.