Living: in Cottbus and Senftenberg

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is a university with three locations on which numerous student dormitories are provided. Students can choose between different room types, such as one-room apartments, two-room apartments and shared housing, depending on the location and availability.

The Studentenwerk Frankfurt Oder rents rooms at four different locations in Cottbus and one location in Senftenberg:

  • Universitätsstraße 1-16 (near main campus)
  • Erich-Weinert-Straße 3-6 (near main campus)
  • Potsdamer Straße 1-7 (around 17 minutes from main campus)
  • Lipezker Straße 46 (near campus Sachsendorf)
  • Großenhainer Straße 60 (near campus Senftenberg)

Other housing options in Cottbus are:

T1 Campus Cottbus is located at Jamlitzer Straße 9/10 which is at the end of the BTU main campus. This guesthouse provides furnished single and double room apartments.
Guesthouse UNI-Service GmbH is located at Papitzer Straße 4, which is also at the end of the BTU main campus. This guesthouse provides furnished single and double rooms. A room can be booked for single nights as well as monthly.
GWC Cottbus offers 1 to 5 room apartments near university for special student rates. However, these apartments are often not furnished.
Prima Campus Cottbus is located at Karl-Marx-Straße 13 which is near the BTU main campus. The Prima Campus offers fully furnished shared housing as well as one room and two-room apartments, depending on the availability.
eG Wohnen offers furnished and partially furnished apartments in close proximity to campus.

In Germany it is also very common for students to live alone or with friends. If three or more people share an apartment together, then in Germany that is called a "WG" (Wohngemeinschaft, or "shared flat"). When finding a room in a WG, the best choice is to check