Enrollment is not possible for this course currently.
The course of studies provides an in-depth training in chemical subjects of modern materials research. Furthermore, students can select from a large pool of elective modules with reference to materials, which belong to disciplines like physics or mechanical engineering. Students are thus enabled to trace the entire value chain from the molecule to the material to the component, whereby the path back, i.e. recycling, is also taken into account. The conception of this Master’s degree programme incorporates departments from several faculties of the BTU, Chemistry is thereby complementary to other areas related to materials.
In the second semester, students will spend a research term at an external research institution (e.g. Max-Planck, Fraunhofer, Helmholtz, etc.) in Germany and abroad, where they apply the so far acquired knowledge to solve a complex problem for the first time.

Im Master haben wir die Möglichkeit sowohl neue Methoden zu erlernen als auch direkt in aktuelle Forschungen der Arbeitsgruppen eingebunden zu sein. Unser Curriculum besteht überwiegend aus Praktika und Forschungsthemen.
Professional Fields of Activity
Work opportunities: Industry, research institutions, authorities
Fields of activity: e.g. development, characterization or production of materials, e.g. semiconductors, porous materials, catalysts, plastics, photovoltaics, or building materials; participation in the development of components, e.g. in the semiconductor industry, photovoltaics or mechanical engineering