Symposium "Qualitative Research Revisited" organized by the Faculty 4's Research Training Group

Between November 6th and December 12th, the Research Training Group at Faculty 4 offers a symposium about qualitative research methodologies on four different dates.

Here you can find further information about the specific dates (in German only).

For a long time, qualitative and quantitative methods were practically opposed to one another, sometimes even competing against each other. Nowadays, qualitative methods are an integral part of social sciences. They offer a well-differentiated repertoire of methods,and are recognized  as much as quantitative methods are, each responding to different needs within the field. The broad offer of methodologies represents a particular challenge to researches within the social sciences. Often times, mixed-methods approaches or method triangulation are tailored to respond to the needs of specific research questions. Our symposium attempts to locate and assess different methods of qualitative research for the social sciences.  Especially for and with researchers at a Technical University, we hope to inspire insightful debates and gather new perspectives.

Gebäude 10 - SD (Geb. 10)
Campus Cottbus-Sachsendorf

Lipezker Straße 47
03048 Cottbus


Prof. Dr. phil. Heike Radvan
Methoden und Theorien der Sozialen Arbeit I

Gerd Kaufmann
Methoden und Theorien der Sozialen Arbeit I
T +49 (0) 355 5818-413