Online-Conference: Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies. Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics

The Midterm Conference of ESA's research network 35 “Sociology of Migration”: "Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies. Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics" takes place as an online-conference on January 21-22.

Mirroring recent trends and debates in the field of migration studies, the conference will focus on the topic of reflexivity in migration research.

The conference is organized by  Anna Amelina (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, research platform MIKOWA), Janine Dahinden (Neuchâtel University, IMISCOE "Reflexive Migration Research"), Felicitas Hillmann (TU Berlin), in collaboration with the IMISCOE Standing Committee "Reflexive Migration Research".

Here you can find a detailed timetable of the conference.

Confirmed key note speakers :

Pawel Kaczmarczyk (University of Warsaw)

Sharam Khosravi (Stockholm University)

Gökce Yurdakul (HU Berlin)

Please find the conference call and additional information here.

Date comment:
The access link will be published in January 2021
