Lecture series "Refugee Migration - Basics and Current Challenges".

On the topic of "Muslims in Brandenburg", we are pleased to welcome Dr. Yunus Yaldiz from the RAA's Fachstelle Islam as an expert.

Since 2017, the Geflüchteten Netzwerk Cottbus (GNC) and the BTU Department of "Sociology for Social Work" have been cultivating critical conversations on issues of flight and migration, racism and diversity, empowerment and self-determination. In the summer semester of 2022, they jointly invite you for the first time to an interdisciplinary lecture series:

Refugee Migration - Basics and Current Challenges.

As an expert on the topic of "Muslims in Brandenburg", we welcome Dr. Yunus Yaldiz from the Fachstelle Islam of the RAA.

The history of Muslims in Brandenburg is extremely multifaceted and can be a great enrichment for today's challenges. After we undertake a short introduction into the world of Islam, look at the time of origin and expansion and their diversity, we turn to the history of the Muslims of Brandenburg. This essentially begins with the 1st World War and its Muslim prisoners of war. Here we will describe and analyze how the propaganda machine of that time undertook the instrumentalization of Brandenburg's Muslims and what it intended. The second part of the lecture will highlight the situation of Muslim communities since 2015 until today, their challenges, difficulties, successes and how and where citizens of Muslim faith live in Brandenburg.

Campus Cottbus-Sachsendorf
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Lipezker Straße 47
03048 Cottbus


Prof. Dr. phil. Birgit Behrensen
Soziologie für die Soziale Arbeit
T +49 (0) 355 5818-433
Graffiti, seen in Athens 2017 (Photo: Birgit Behrensen)