Opening lecture of the SeniorenAkademie pleads for activity and movement

The Senior Academy of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) will start the winter semester on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at the Senftenberg site. To kick things off, Prof. Dr. Christian Kopkow will give the lecture "Osteoarthritis in the hip and/or knee joint - more activity and movement for fewer restrictions".

Interested seniors are invited to 2:30 p.m. in Building 1, Lecture Hall 1.118 on the Senftenberg BTU campus. Online participation is also still possible.

The speaker at the opening lecture, Prof. Kopkow, is head of the Department of Therapeutic Sciences I and the Bachelor's degree program in Therapeutic Sciences at the BTU. He is a founding member and board member of the German Society for Physiotherapy Science.

The SeniorenAkademie lecture series has not had such an extensive line-up for a long time. In 15 lectures during the winter semester, the speakers will address a wide range of issues from very different fields of knowledge.

Every Wednesday between 2:30 and 4 p.m., current and interesting lectures by BTU scientists as well as external speakers are on the agenda of the Senior Academy. The topics range from saving energy to robotics in geriatric care, the coal phase-out as an opportunity in Lusatia, and the connection between mobile communications and health and languages. Participants are taken on a journey through the cultural landscape of Mark Brandenburg and encouraged to think about the world and also about technical aspects.

"This diverse program of the SeniorenAkademie also demonstrates the breadth of our BTU's range of subjects," emphasizes Heike Bartholomäus, managing director of the Center for Continuing Academic Education. "We are very happy that we can be experienced again on the Senftenberg campus. We cordially invite all seniors* interested in scientific topics to join us in the lecture hall or online and contribute their suggestions."

Background The SeniorenAkademie is an essential format of the guest lecture program WISSEN FÜR ALLE. With the lecture series at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, the Center for Continuing Education with its senior assistant Annekathrin Rössel accompanies all interested seniors* in lifelong learning. At the request of the seniors, the lecture series will take place on the Senftenberg campus, in Building 1, Lecture Hall 1.118. Those who do not have the opportunity to experience the SeniorenAkademie in the lecture hall can still follow the lecture online.

Further information:

Subject contact

Joris Noellner Center for Continuing Education (ZWW) T +49 (0) 355 69-3680 Joris.Noellner(at)

Maxi Vollmering VP L 7 Central Student Advisory Service T +49 (0) 355 69-3548 maxi.vollmering(at)

Press contact

Ralf-Peter Witzmann
Stabsstelle Kommunikation und Marketing
T +49 (0) 3573 85-283
Prof. Dr. Christian Kopkow gives the opening lecture for the winter semester of the Senior Citizens' Academy. Photo: BTU, Ralf Schuster