Energy Region Lausitz Spreewald GmbH
The energy region Lausitz is a cooperative association of counties Dahme-Spreewald, Elbe-Elster, Spree-Neisse, Oberspreewald-Lausitz and the independent city Cottbus. Mission is to develop ideas and implement joint projects, to the visibility of the energy region Lausitz to increase as an investment location, expand the image as an economic, scientific and educational region and to improve the competitiveness of the business location.
The energy region Lausitz-Spreewald GmbH, headquartered in Cottbus is the office of the Energy Region Lausitz .
Energy Region Lausitz-Spreewald GmbH
Manager: Mr. Norman Müller
Am Turm 14, 03046 Cottbus
T +49 (0) 3 55 28 89 04 02
F +49 (0) 3 55 28 89 04 05