Pursuing a Doctorate at BTU
At the BTU, doctorates can generally be pursued at all six faculties and, since 2020, aditionally at the Joint Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg within the framework of an individual doctorate.
In addition, sturctured doctoral study programmes are offered in a variety of fields.
General Admission Requirements
In principle, a completed university degree from a German university (e.g. Diplom, Master's, Magister, Staatsexamen) qualifies for doctoral studies. If the desired doctoral degree does not correspond to the subject of the previous degree, additional studies and examinations may be required.
Under certain conditions, a degree from a university of applied sciences may also qualifies for a doctorate. Acceptance as a doctoral candidate may then be subject to the fulfilment of further conditions, e.g. proof of the required academic qualifications. Please inquire in advance at the Dean's office of the faculty where you intend to pursue your doctorate.
Holders of foreign university degrees can be admitted to a doctorate if the equivalence of the degrees has been determined by the faculty as part of the admission procedure.
An individual doctorate can also be carried out by an external doctoral candidate while working in a company or scientific research institution.
Other cooperation options include collaboration with another university in Brandenburg or a foreign university. A binational cooperation can be carried out within the framework of a so-called Cotutelle doctorate.