Gender & Sexual Diversity
Gender & Sexual Diversity at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

The BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg has set itself the goal of funding all members and affiliates, regardless of their background experience and life situations, in the development of their potential and to protect them as best as possible from discrimination. This includes all persons, including those who do not, not always or only partially identify with their gender assigned at birth (trans*) or who live with the experience of being born with a body that does not correspond to the normative ideas of male/man and female/woman (inter*).
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg therefore strives to make gender diversity visible and to recognize the gender diversity of students and Staff Members in everyday study and work and to take it into account in all areas of responsibility. This means developing strategies and structures that create a space for trans, inter* and non-binary persons that ensures the best possible development, i.e. identifying possible discrimination and eliminating it as a result.
Sensitization and communication
- Guide to gender reflective language.
- Publication of the results of the WG "Implementation of the Personal Status Act".
- Deletion of the salutation Mr./Mrs. in the campus online system
- Changing student documents (e.g., transcripts) so that they are as gender-neutral as possible, or optionally gender-neutral
Services for students
- Facilitating changes to student master data when there is a change in name and/or gender entry in the civil status of students
- Re-issuance of transcripts, etc., for graduates* in the event of a change in marital status
Gender in teaching
- Teaching of gender competencies for students
- Application of gender-sensitive didactics in teaching
- Consideration of gender aspects in teaching
In mid-December 2018, the Bundestag passed the introduction of a third gender option. The Civil Status Act now provides for a further gender option, called "diverse" for intersexual people, in addition to "male" and "female"
. With this decision, the parliament implements a decision of the Federal Constitutional Court
from 2017. The previous obligation to assign a person to the male or female gender was considered in it as a violation of the right of personality and
the prohibition of discrimination.
This change in the Personal Status Act and the increasing acceptance of the third gender in society as a whole also results in a need for action for universities at a wide variety of levels - Information sheet for prospective students, students and graduates*.
You can make the (first) name and civil status changes in your myBTU portal.
- Uni Frankfurt: Recommendation for a diversity-sensitive media language.
- Academy of Fine Arts Vienna: trans. inter*. non-binary. Designing teaching and learning spaces at universities in a gender-reflective, discrimination-critical and respectful way
- University of Konstanz: Gender competence in teaching
- Uni Freiburg: Checklists for diversity-sensitive teaching
- Bukhof: Recommendations for action on gender diversity at universities
Counseling and support possibilities through the CSD Cottbus e.V.
The CSD Cottbus e.V. was founded in Cottbus in September 2013. The members and cooperation partners are committed to a diverse society. The association stands for respect and acceptance of people of different sexual orientation(s) and gender identity(ies).
The CSD Cottbus e.V:
- iscommitted to more acceptance of HIV-positive people.
- accompanies victims of homo- and trans*phobia in difficult life situations
- drawsattention to problems and take to the streets together
- commemorates the victims of LGBTIQ* violence and hate crimes
- informs the general population about LGBTIQ lifestyles
- strengthens and protects the community, offers shelters for LGBTIQ* people
- advises, for example, on coming out, arranges offers of help.
In addition, there is the monthly CSD Forum, which deals with the planning of events, as well as regular regulars' tables.
For more information on all events, workshops and activities, please visit the website of CSD Cottbus e.V.