Exhibition: The invisible unveiled – When science is art

The exhibition "The invisible unveiled - When science is art " presents 33 pictures of artistic results from science that were achieved at the universities of the EUNICE alliance and selected as part of a call for entries. The exhibition focuses on the invisible, the microscopically small, which is to be captured and depicted artistically.

The concept of exploring the invisible is fascinating and made possible by scientific advances, including the microscopic world, macroscopic phenomena, and abstract concepts from theoretical science and mathematics. The invisible world includes bacteria, cells, tissues, microscopic organisms, material studies, stars, nebulae, and living beings that blend into their environment for safety. Science and art are often viewed as distinct domains, with science being associated with reason and the exploration of reality, and art being linked to creativity and the surreal. However, these two worlds share a common goal of making the invisible visible and questioning the world. Researchers, inventors, and artists all push the limits of knowledge to express their unique vision of the world. The 'Invisible Unveiled' exhibition aims to engage viewers across the EUNICE Alliance and beyond, challenging them to consider the visual representation of science in a new and engaging way.

The beginning of the exhibition

In 2009, the University of Mons in Belgium launched the "Explorer l'Invisible" exhibition to show fascinating images collected by researchers on scientific discoveries. The exhibition, based on aesthetic criteria, showed phantasmagorical creatures photographed with an electron microscope. Due to its success, the exhibition was repeated in other Belgian cities and sports halls and will be shown this year at all EUNICE universities with images from the EUNICE partner universities.

Date comment:
08-26 April 2024

Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG)

Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 3
03046 Cottbus


Adriana Handrich
HVP Forschung und Transfer
T +49 (0) 355 69-3212