International profile

Strategy for Internationalization

Find out here how BTU is shaping this continuous and strategic process together.

Partnerships & cooperations worldwide

Our international partners in teaching, studies, research and administration as well as support structures.

EUNICE – European University Alliance

Together with nine European partner universities, BTU is making an important contribution to strengthening the European scientific community.


The International Relations Office acquires and implements numerous projects centrally for the BTU.

From abroad to BTU

Exchange programmes

Spend up to two semesters at BTU for an academic stay abroad.

Degree-seeking students

Would you like to study at BTU? Here you will find information about our study programmes, your application and more.

Doctoral students

Continue your academic career with a doctorate or a structured PhD programme at BTU.

Preparatory Programmes

We offer you a selection of study preparation programmes to improve your language and subject knowledge for starting your studies at BTU.

Welcome Centre for International Researchers

With the Welcome Centre, the BTU offers you expert advice on all matters relating to your occupation and life in our region.

Going abroad with BTU

Students & doctoral candidates

Gain new experiences during a study visit to one of our over 200 partner universities worldwide or complete an internship abroad.

Lecturers, researchers & employees of BTU

Short-term teaching stays abroad and international training and further education opportunities for BTU employees.

Learning foreign languages

Prepare yourself for your stay abroad and attend one of the many language courses offered by the Language Centre.

For international students

Get to know your surroundings & people

Our university locations offer you many opportunities to experience the culture and life in Germany.

Studystart International

Here you will find counselling and support services to help you successfully start your studies at BTU.

Help & advice on all aspects of studying

Whether during your study orientation or already in the middle of your studies at BTU - we will be happy to advise you.

Prospects after graduation

Find out more about working opportunities in the region and stay in touch with BTU.

International Alumni

Whether you have spent your entire studies at BTU or have been here for a research stay or a semester, you are all part of BTU's international network.

Learning German

Would you like to improve your German language skills during your stay at BTU? Discover what the Language Centre has to offer.


Vice President for Internationalization

Prof. Dr Wolfram Berger

Director International Relations Office

Mareike Kunze

Studystart International


International Students


International Researchers
