Innovative team receives EXIST research transfer funding

The "HochQuant" team led by Anne Handschick, Dr Owen C. Ernst and Dr David Uebel is delighted to have received two years of EXIST research transfer funding totalling over €900,000. This support was made possible by the BTU Start-up Service and Prof Dr Jörg Acker from Faculty 2 - Physical Chemistry at Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU).

The team has patented a globally unique process for the production of silane 28. This gas is essential for the production of quantum computers and represents a significant advance in technological development. Silane 28 enables the precise production and functionality of quantum computers and thus makes a decisive contribution to the further development of this future technology. They work closely with industrial partners and academic institutions to ensure that the solutions developed are practical and ready for the market.

The EXIST research transfer funding enables HochQuant to close the gap between basic research and commercial application. With the funds provided, the researchers can further develop their innovations and transform them into marketable products. This is a decisive step towards establishing Lusatia as a centre for quantum computing.

"The funding from EXIST will enable this innovative team to develop their groundbreaking technology for the production of Silan 28 to market maturity. We are proud to accompany and support them on this journey," says Cheng-Wen Jaw, Startup Advisor of the BTU Startup Service. "This development has the potential to revolutionise the production of quantum computers worldwide."


Cheng-Wen Jaw
ABWL; insbesondere Planung; Innovation und Gründung
T +49 (0) 355 69-2961
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