13th PhD Café

In our 13th PhD Café, we would like to address the challenges and difficulties during the doctorate and give some advice on how to handle them.

PhD crises: When the doctorate becomes a burden

Although the time during the doctorate is characterized by knowledge and development like hardly any other time in live, it is rarely without crises. The majority of doctoral researchers experience critical situations during the course of their doctorate. There are many reasons for this. But is it these tough experiences that enable us to change and progress?
We would like to take a closer look at typical crises in the different phases of the doctorate and give advice on how to overcome them.

Our guest will be Simone Ruhwald, Diversity and Health Officer.

Date comment:
The main language of the event will be German.
Please register until October 10th via email to Dr. Stella Gypser.
Subject: Registration PhD Café

Foyer 7. OG
Inf.-,Komm.-u.Medien-Ztr. (IKMZ)

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 2
03044 Cottbus


Dr. rer. nat. Stella Gypser
HVP 2 Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs
T +49 (0) 355 69-4633