Academic Writing  (For Research And Professional Purposes) 

Lorraine Mannion, Dolmetscherin/Übersetzerin

Sie wollen wissenschaftliche Texte in Englisch verfassen – and need some support in English writing?

In this course, participants - who may be working on scholarly papers, research proposals, thesis or dissertation projects - will have the opportunity to strengthen their command of written English using published materials in their own disciplines. 

  • planning and organising a piece of academic text and its paragraph structure - knowing the importance of introductions and conclusions
  • writing a topic sentence, developing ideas and arguments
  • knowing academic vocabulary
  • summarising and paraphrasing 

In this course, participants - who may be working on scholarly papers, research proposals, thesis or dissertation projects - will have the opportunity to strengthen their command of written English using published materials in their own disciplines.

This seminar will focus on various components of scholarly writing, including style and language, argu- ment structure, grammar etc. using sample articles, abstracts and proposals. Participants are strongly advised to take along excerpts of personally written articles for discussion and analysis. The following textbooks are highly recommended in preparation for the course.

Participants should have had at least 5 years of English and a minimum level of English B1 (CEF). To evaluate your level, please see:

Recommended Texts/Materials:

  1. Oshima, A., & Hogue, A. (2006) Writing academic English (4th Ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.
  2. Hogue, A. (2003). Essentials of English: A writer’s handbook. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education. 
  3. Zwier, L. (2002). Building academic vocabulary. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.
  4. A good English/English dictionary, such as the Collins COBUILD Dictionary. (The Collins CO- BUILD Dictionary is a very useful dictionary for improving one‘s writing skills and invaluable for non-native speakers of English).

Registration via sqb (Netzwerk Studienqualität Brandenburg) online: (by the 23rd of October 2015 at the latest)

19.01. and 20.01.2017

10:00 am – 17:00 pm

BTU Zentralcampus, Continuing Education Center, Building 10, Zwischenbau VI, Room 7