Creating Successful Project Proposals 

Cornelia Borek, LLM (University of London)

Assessorin Iris Löhrmann, Diploma in Politics (University of Munich)

This course will train scientists in drafting professional and successful proposals for research and education funding programmes. Projects funded by third parties are not only safeguarding jobs but also help young scientists to gain professional experience for their future careers.


This course provides a step by step approach from the first idea to the finished proposal giving all kinds of practical advice every step of the way. It takes a look at the philosophy behind the programmes and provides hints on how to collect relevant information. Furthermore, it explains how to develop a first idea from a rough abstract into detailed work plans. Examples will be presented on all topics covered in the course. Aspects of project management and the setting up of a financial plan will also be taken into account. Many other useful hints and tips will be given during the two days in order to prevent mistakes. 

Each programme has a different set of conditions. The course will, therefore, concentrate on the structure and contents of:
- National programmes financed e.g. by BMBF and the DFG
- European Programmes, e.g. the European Research Framework Programme 

The basic strategy of proposal writing is, however, transferable to most of the other funding programmes as well. 

All project phases and important topics will be dealt with in small working groups. Participants are encouraged to think about a project idea of their own and present this idea shortly during the seminar.


20.10. and 21.10.2016

09:00 am – 17:00 pm

BTU Zentralcampus, Continuing Education Center, Building 10, Zwischenbau VI, Seminar Room 7