
The individual PhD research on your doctoral thesis at the supervising Chair/Department - starting from Day 1 of your PhD Programme - is complemented by a mandatory curriculum (30ECTS in 6 semesters = 1/6 of your final grade). For a successful completion of the PhD Programme your doctoral thesis counts for 2/3 of the grade (120ECTS) and the oral examination ("defense") of your thesis for 1/6 (30ECTS).

The curriculum consists of modules in block seminars, presentations, research papers, reports and transferrable skills courses - each module is graded individually. Therefore it is necessary that you are present in Cottbus at least during the lecture period (October-February and April-July).

The language of instruction, research and examinations is English.

BTU Graduate Research School (GRS) is offering additional workshops for all doctoral candidates at BTU on networking, subject-related qualification, scientific techniques and transferrable skills training. Here are the links to the current GRS qualification programme as well to the GRS newsletter.

The following modules are currently part of the PhD Programme

Please note that some modules may not be offered every semester. Most modules cannot be completed during one semester; however, completion within one year is recommended.

Modules may be completed either by individual exams for each tutorial or by a comprehensive module exam. In the latter case, the exam may be held in front of the PhD Committee or a designated group of 1-2 professors as discussion in form of a seminar.

Some modules are offered as block tutorials ½ day to two days each.

11154Formal Methods in System Design6
11155Embedded Software Technology6
11156Processor and SoC Design and Optimization6
11158Hardware Test and Fault Tolerant Computing6
11159System Re-configuration and Repair6
11160Dependable Distributed and Wireless Systems6
11161Stream Data Processing6
11163Dependable Signal Processing6
11164Real-Life Systems6
11886Dependability and Fault Tolerance6
12705Research Colloquium6
12706Status Seminar Dependable Systems12
12707RESCUE PhD Educational Programme6
12721Advanced Seminar12
11375Systementwurf für minimale Verlustleistung6
12406Hardware / Software Codesign für eingebettete Systems6