Scientific study of school centers in the state of Brandenburg


02/2019 until 12/2022

On December 17, 2015, the Brandenburg state parliament decided that educational success should not depend on a child's background and that the framework conditions for longer joint learning from 1st grade to graduation should be improved. In this context, schools and school boards are encouraged to establish school centers as mergers of elementary schools and secondary general education schools. Furthermore, existing school centers are to be strengthened. School centers have existed in Brandenburg since 1993, and there are currently a total of 41. School centers do not represent a separate type of school in Brandenburg, but they are schools with a school program, a teaching staff, a school administration and a school board.

On behalf of the Brandenburg Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the FG Educational Psychology at BTU C-S investigated the founding process of school centers, the perspectives of the actors involved (including their changes during the founding process), and the work of school centers.

The research questions were to be answered with a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods in a longitudinal section. In doing so, the contexts of action, forms of action and results of the involved actors on the four levels of educational policy, educational administration, individual school and teaching should be recorded and analyzed with specific survey instruments in each case. The processuality of the events was mapped by a longitudinal design.

Project management at the BTU

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bilz

Project Team

Elisabeth striker
