Effective strategies for dealing with hate speech in schools A criteria-based inventory and analysis of internationally available programs for schools
3/2023 to 12/2024
Hatespeech is a globally widespread form of expression of group-related misanthropy and describes a derogatory statement about people that refers to group characteristics (e.g. skin color, gender, religion). Places where young people often witness and become the target of hate speech are primarily the internet and schools. At the same time, intervention and prevention work can be successfully carried out in schools.
Among other things, the project will compile internationally available anti-hatespeech programs, resulting in recommendations for action. These are aimed at school practitioners and program developers.
Project management at the BTU
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bilz
Project team
Dr. Saskia Fischer
Julia Kansok-Dusche
Lisanne Seemann-Herz