Doctoral studentWorking title / Brief descriptionsupervised by:
Anja HerzogHospices are independent institutions with a caring mission and a family-like character, whose admission is certified by medical indications. Hospices are also educational centres. The research focuses, for example, on dying people (perspective holders) who invite others to an exchange of experiences about dying, death, loss and mourning, as well as on carers, families and friends who reflect on and shape their feelings and current (framework) conditions in a hospice.

The aim of the doctoral thesis 'Dying people in a dialogue-based exchange of experiences in a hospice' is to collect the experiences of the learners (survivors) and make them available for training programmes in the health care system. Juliane Noack Napoles
Michael AdamsDevelopment of a multi-modal exercise intervention for adolescents with non-traumatic anterior knee painProf. Dr. Christian Kopkow,
Prof. Dr. Axel Schäfer
Erik HalmIn Germany, osteoarthritis of the hip joint is still frequently treated with joint replacement compared to other countries.

Education (information, counselling, training and instruction) is an important part of patient care in physiotherapy. However, little research has been conducted into how this is carried out in practice and whether it can sometimes prevent operations.

The doctoral thesis ‘Education in physiotherapy treatment. The current status, real needs, challenges and barriers to implementation’.
Prof. Dr. Christian Kopkow,
Prof. Dr. Jacob Spallek
Stephanie HoffmannThe importance of spatial-geographical living conditions for psychomotor development in early childhood: An approach from the perspective of life course epidemiology taking into account social inequalities.Prof. Dr. Jacob Spallek
Kirsten Stangenberg-GlissDevelopment of a programme theory for outpatient telerehabilitation after stroke in GermanyProf. Dr. Christian Kopkow
Jenny PöllerMotivations for informal civic engagement in Heidrun Herzberg
Barbara Erjauz"How age-friendly is your community?" Development, validation and application of a measurement instrument to survey age-friendliness in rural Alexandra Retkowski,
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Veronika Anselmann
Alexander ElserImplementation of a Virtual Reality Intervention in Physiotherapeutic Care of People with Chronic Pain: Barriers, Promoting Factors and Health-Related OutcomesProf. Dr. Christian Kopkow
Lydia SanderHealth inequalities in early childhood and the influence of the familyProf. Dr. Jacob Spallek
Carolin BahnsEvaluation and Implementation of Guideline-Compliant Physiotherapeutic Care for Persons with Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis

Opening of the doctoral procedure
Prof. Dr. Christian Kopkow
Raphael SchützLoneliness in children and adolescents Prevalence and health-related correlationsProf. Dr. Ludwig Bilz
Marie Josefine TallarekPrimary prevention of gestational and type 2 diabetes mellitus among women in urban Kenya. A health system capacity approach

Opening of the doctoral procedure
Prof. Dr. Jacob Spallek
Bettina SchefflerEvaluation and implementation of guideline-compliant care using the example of the S2e guideline Rehabilitation of Mobality after Stroke (ReMoS) A study with a multi-method approachProf. Dr. Christian Kopkow,
Prof. Dr. Jacob Spallek
Nina Radzewitz(narrative representations) of collective fate in the Corona Heidrun Herzberg
Anke ZeißigBoredom and Creativity in Dr. Ludwig Bilz
Thomas HänsgenWork, Stress and Health of Managers in Child Day Care Facilities - Development of a Prevention ConceptProf. Dr. Sven Michel
Julia Kansok-DuscheHate Speech as a School Problem?Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bilz
Maria RillingOn the field of action of in-company educational personnel in physiotherapy - education in practical training, contradictions and antinomies of vocational pedagogical Heidrun Herzberg, Anja Walter
Ann-Sophie OtteProfessional identities of health care professions in interdisciplinary Heidrun Herzberg
Benjamin FörsterSignificance of emotions of teachers in geriatric care in the context of pedagogical Anja Walter,
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bilz
Angela Edwina ObongoDeterminants of access to and use of gestational diabetes mellitus services in Kenya and MozambiqueProf. Dr. Jacob Spallek