The Chair
The Chair of Electronic Systems and Sensors is located in the Faculty 1 MINT - Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.
We participate in teaching both with fundamental and also focussed and advanced courses in both, the bachelor's as well as master's programms of several study programms. Our research-oriented teaching within the university profile takes place in lectures, exercises and in-depth laboratory practicals.
The research work of the department can be divided into four areas
- Interfacing the Physical World
- Electronic Systems
- Model Building & Signal Processing
- Sensor & Communication Systems
All of our research is conducted with a strong orientation towards practical application. It is mostly validated and demonstrated with tests of the new solutions in the measurement laboratory of the department. Both fundamental research, as well as application-oriented questions with a strong relation to national and international partners from industry and research, are adressed. Further information about our research interests can be found here.