WIR!- WI+R – RepAIreality
Project description:
Technological, economic and social innovations are the key elements for a successful structural change in the former coal mining region ‘Lausitz’. The goal of the project ‘RepAIreality’ is, to build the foundations needed to innovate maintenance and repair processes in the region. New regional business opportunities and an inspiring start-up environment as well as spin-off companies are facilitated. Those changes will help increase the attractiveness of the region ‘Lausitz’ on the labour market.
More specific goals are:
(1) To develop an AI-based repair assistant system to secure expert knowledge and support the training of new or unskilled workers.
(2) To generate an attractive regional labour market whose reputation attracts national and international skilled workers.
(3) To strengthen regional small and medium-sized businesses by digitalising their processes through the help of augmented and virtual reality systems.
’RepAIreality’ thus focuses on the promotion of extensive regional technical, economic and social innovations.
Further information: Digital Repair Factory - Digitization of Maintenance, Servicing and Repair (digitale-reparaturfabrik.de).
Project duration:
01.06.2021 - 31.05.2023
The "WI+R" alliance is funded by the BMBF as part of the "WIR! - Change through Innovation in the Region" program.