Mechanical engineering - your study with added value
Top positions in science and business
Your Master's programme follows on from a first professional qualification (Bachelor's degree, Diplom, also FH-Diplom) and prepares you for a responsible, leading position in companies and in research and development. A Master's degree is a prerequisite for a doctorate, which opens the door to top positions in science and industry. At the BTU, the Master's degree programmes are closely aligned with research topics. Students are given the opportunity to increasingly approach problems in research and development independently. In this way, they experience and try out the work steps involved. The Master's degree at the BTU is thus at least equivalent to the university diploma, which still exists in some cases.
Mechanical engineering for value creation
In a country with few natural resources, the creativity and intelligence of its inhabitants are the wealth. While the service sector and the economy only manage and distribute what is available, engineers face the challenges of the working world and the demands of people.
You develop new solutions and create new values with new products. The miniaturisation of computers and mobile phones is only made possible by new production techniques, the advance into the microcosm and the nano world is unstoppable. At the other end of the scale, exploration of the macrocosm challenges you just as much with new materials and computational methods. Traditional industries such as combustion engines, automotive engineering, machine tools and power plant technology are just as important as production engineering, precision engineering and microtechnology, aerospace technology and medical technology.
Our goals
In the Master's programme, building on a first professional qualification and possible work experience, we teach you the ability to apply the instruments and methods of the subject, to work scientifically, to critically classify scientific findings and to independently develop your own scientific contributions. Depending on the orientation of your degree programme, this can consist of a broadening of the knowledge and competence base or a targeted specialisation. Your Master's degree is a formal prerequisite for your doctorate.