Mechanical Engineering
Students in the master's programme in mechanical engineering stand next to an aircraft turbine
Master of Science (M.Sc.)


The shift from fossil to renewable energy sources requires in part completely new, largely unexplored technologies. The transformation of traditional economic sectors such as energy production, the steel and metallurgical industry, the automotive and aviation industries towards a sustainable economy, but also the transition from analogue to digital data and processes requires new thinking, new ideas and a spirited design. For these challenging tasks, we need engineers who are prepared for these tasks through a modern education geared to the new requirements.

The Master's programme in Mechanical Engineering at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg follows on seamlessly from the orientation of the  Bachelor's programme in Mechanical Engineering, but also enables career changers to study in a way that makes them fit for the technological world of tomorrow. Regardless of which university you completed your Bachelor's degree at, the fit is ensured by the consistent alignment with the recommendations of the Faculty Association for Mechanical and Process Engineering. The content and form of the degree programme have been aligned with the requirements of digitalised mechanical engineering and allow for independent study with maximum freedom of choice. New or revised focal points allow concentration on selected subject areas geared to the future development of mechanical engineering. The implementation of a one-year study project parallel to the modules ensures the necessary sustainable transfer of knowledge and skills, which ensures a successful transition into an industrial or SME job or even a doctorate. The BTU mentoring system does not leave you on your own, but advises and accompanies you through your studies.

Further study options: Study in 3 semesters and dual

The Mechanical Engineering, M.Sc. study programme is also to be offered in a 3-semester variant and as a dual practice-integrated programme from WS 23/24. This study options are subject to final approval by the responsible ministry (MWFK). Further information will be announced here on this website.

Die Produkte, an denen mein Team und ich arbeiten, finden weltweit Anklang. Maschinenbau ist sehr vielfältig, da ist für jeden Technikbegeisterten was dabei. Im Studium werden Theorie und Praxis gut zusammengebracht.

Stefan Mittag, arbeitet bei DEBAG Deutsche Backofenbau GmbH und war Dozent im Modul "Grundlagen des Materialhandlings“ an der BTU
Portraitfoto von Peggy Winkler vor der Mikrogasturbine der Firma B + K

Die Entscheidung, Maschinenbau zu studieren, habe ich nie bereut. Es ist einfach faszinierend, dass dieser Studiengang so vieles abdeckt: Egal ob Landwirtschaft, Automobilindustrie oder Medizintechnik – überall steckt Maschinenbau drin.

Peggy Winkler, Professor Dr. Berg & Kießling GmbH (B+K)

Professional Fields of Activity

  • Research and development engineer
  • Team leader in middle management
  • Project engineer/manager
  • Doctoral student/researcher

Applications and Admissions

Admissions Requirements

At least a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or an equivalent degree

Apply now

Nanotechnologien im Kontext

2006. Nanotechnologien im Kontext. Philosophische, ethische und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven.
Edited by Alfred Nordmann, Joachim Schummer und Astrid Schwarz.
Berlin: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft.

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