Information for scholarship holders Application for an extension of the support within the framework of the Deutschlandstipendium
If the requirements are met, scholarship holders can apply for an extension of the Deutschlandstipendium that has been granted for one year. This applies to:
- Extensions within the framework of the standard period of study (standard period of study = maximum period of support)
- Extensions of the maximum period of support according to §7 of the law for the creation of a national scholarship program (scholarship program law - StipG) *
- Extension of the standard period of study due to activities in student self-administration
- Leave of absence for a subject-related stay abroad e.g. ERASMUS, STUDEXA
* If the duration of studies is extended for serious reasons, such as a disability, pregnancy, the care and upbringing of a child or a subject-related stay abroad, the maximum duration of funding can be extended on application.
The application must be submitted informally with reasons and signed by April 15 of the year (date of receipt of e-mail). Late submitted and incomplete applications can unfortunately not be considered. Applications without the applicant's signature can unfortunately also not be accepted.
Documents for the application for extension
- Informal application with justification for the period for which the extension is requested (maximum two semesters) Example: Extension for the winter semester 20../.. and the summer semester 20...
- Current overview of grades as well as certificate of study for the current summer semester
- Certificate of study for the following winter semester (to be submitted unsolicited by August 15 of the year)
- Confirmation from Student Services about the extension of the standard period of study due to activities in student self-administration or certificate about a stay abroad e.g. via ERASMUS or STUDEXA or other certificates, e.g. about a disability, pregnancy or parental leave
Applicants will receive a written notification by September of the year (funding begins in October). Subject to the approval of the necessary funds, extensions of up to a maximum of two semesters may be granted if all necessary requirements are met. A renewed application is possible if the prerequisites are met. The extension takes effect from the following winter semester.
In any case, the funding ends with the completion of the Bachelor's or Master's degree. If you wish to take up a Master's degree after obtaining a Bachelor's degree, you must reapply for a Deutschlandstipendium.
Please send the written application to:
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Abteilung Studium und Lehre
Zentrale Studienberatung
z. Hd. Astrid Buse
Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus
Please send an e-mail with the documents in advance to :
Astrid Buse