BTU is committed to openness and tolerance

Universities live from the plurality of opinions on a fact-based foundation. Discourse and the struggle for knowledge bring with them a culture open to discussion. At the same time, the search for new insights is oriented towards methods and values. That goes hand in hand with a humanistically shaped view of the world and human beings. In this sense. Our conviction is all people in our society are equal. Accordingly, the BTU - like other universities - is oriented towards democracy and human rights. The nature of universities leads them to be open to everything new and to look beyond borders and circumstances.
As a young university that feels closely connected to the region, we are clearly committed to cosmopolitanism and tolerance. Against the background of the discussions currently taking place, the university management and the senate of the BTU Cottbus–Senftenberg have decided on this public positioning. We see diversity and variety as an opportunity for our social development: in contact with people who are often considered "others" and "foreign" there is also the possibility of opening up new areas of experience and development potential. Historical research shows that societies benefit from immigration in many ways. We invite all cosmopolitan people, as members and friends of this university, to join us in respectfully encountering diversity and bringing the acceptance of this diversity even more strongly into our society.
It is a firmly agreed goal and a high value at BTU that members and relatives of the university can develop in their individuality and independently of ethnic origin, gender, religion, worldview, age, physical impairment and sexual identity. Our value system is oriented towards human rights as well as under more pragmatic, demographic or even economic omens. For Cottbus and Lusatia, we would like to further promote a climate of welcome for all new, temporary or permanent new citizens. This will be an important prerequisite for the future of the region in the process of structural change in order to attract and retain qualified people.
By signing the Charter of Diversity in 2011, the university has already made a commitment to fairness and appreciation towards its students and all employees. By treating each other with respect and establishing equal opportunities on a sustainable basis through comprehensive counselling and support at all levels, the university commits itself to an appreciative working and study environment free of prejudice. In this way, the potential of each individual with his or her diverse competencies, backgrounds and life situations becomes an asset to our university.
The BTU stands for a peaceful and equal coexistence of all. We demonstrate this, among other things, with our initiative "Cottbus is colourful", which was originally launched by the BTU and FC Energie Cottbus and now comprises a large alliance: the city of Cottbus, city marketing, the Cottbus State Theatre, the Brandenburg State Museum, LEAG, the Carl-Thiem-Klinikum, the Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises BMWV, "Cottbuser Aufbruch", Cottbus sports facilities. Many of our colleagues have already signed the "Cottbus Declaration" because they support living democracy and respectful coexistence for all citizens. This declaration can still be signed at any time ( Last but not least, critical thinking in science also means taking a self-reflective look at one's own actions: at our university, in addition to the institutionally anchored contact points, various working groups have also joined forces to promote the "Cottbus Declaration".