The BTU has been awarding the university-wide Teaching Award annually since 2009.

The 2023 Teaching Award was awarded to the following module:

The 2022 Teaching Award was awarded to the following module:

Current Announcement

With the LEHRPREIS 2024, the BTU honors modules and module teams who show particular commitment to teaching-and-learning-processes and -environments to make studies more flexible in a diversity-sensitive way and thus create didactically sound innovative and forward-looking opportunities for the students to acquire competencies.

The award is intended to highlight the special appreciation of good university teaching and the associated teaching concepts.

The aim is to make visible examples of good teaching practice throughout the university and thus to encourage all lecturers to further develop and improve their teaching concepts and modules.

The Teaching Award is endowed with € 5,000.

Who may submit proposals?

Modules from the winter semester 2023/24 or the summer semester 2024 can be nominated.

Students and lecturers of the BTU as individuals and as student body or rather study- or teaching-committees of the faculties are entitled to nominate modules.

Single courses cannot be nominated, nor can teaching staff without naming a specific module. Moreover, all members of the current Teaching Award jury are excluded from self-application.


In addition to the formal criteria (see Who may submit proposals? and Documents to be submitted), the following qualitative criteria are of particular importance in the judgment by the jury. The module is characterized by a didactically meaningful design and is perfectly integrated into the study programme concept – this is demonstrated by the following facts:

  • The forms of teaching and learning used support the acquisition of cognitive competences by students through purposeful repetition or demonstration of connections in order to ensure that the new knowledge to be acquired is compatible with students' prior knowledge.
  • In the module, learning occasions (with tasks in situations of application and performance) are arranged in such a way that students can cope with them as independently as possible.
  • In addition to cognitive competences, the module also addresses interdisciplinary competences such as cooperation, communication, critical thinking and resilience.
  • Finally, the module relates the competencies acquired to the generally applicable social norms and values in order to ensure that the competencies are used responsibly.

In addition to that,

  • gender and diversity aspects as well as accessibility of the studies offered are taken into account (e. g. with regard to language use, pictorial design, choice of case studies, choice of question types).
Documents to be submitted

In addition to information about the module and the persons, the proposals must be accompanied by an informative rationale.

  • Name of the module,
  • Name of the lecturer(s),
  • Semester in which the module was (last) held,
  • Module description and
  • Informative rationale: What is special about this module? Why does the module deserve the BTU's Teaching Award? (see the description of the criteria).

Please use the Word form or PDF form and submit the proposals by e-mail to Study Programme Development and Quality Management (lehrpreise(at)  by November 30, 2024.

Selection process

After receiving the proposals, the jury selects a maximum of 10 modules, taking into account the formal and qualitative criteria; these modules move on to the next selection round.

On the basis of the pre-selection, the module teams concerned are invited to present and eludicate their concept for the nominated module to the Teaching Award jury.

This event is open to the public. Following this, at the final selection meeting the jury will select the winning module form the modules presented.


The teaching award is a student award, therefore students are represented on the jury with at least one more vote.

Composition of the jury:

  • Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Teaching Award winners of the previous year
  • Lecturers
  • Research assistants
  • Students