Teaching Material

Scripts and Lecture Figures

For the ERM course I am offering presently two different lecture cycles:

  • Chemistry, Atmosphere and Climate System (winter semester)
  • Air Pollution Control: intelligent and sustainable principles (as part of IARP - Air Protection) (summer semster)

In following you will find different script chapters for free downloading on a "modular basis" as well the lecture cycle "Air Pollution and Atmospheric Chemistry" (IARP). It would be necessary for an understanding of atmospheric processes, to combine chapters between different lectures (I will give recommendations in each lecture course). The pdf-files will be revised stepwise and additionally established; please visit this site from time to time.


  1. Introduction: Clean and polluted air (pdf, 71kB)
  2. Historical overview in recognizing the atmosphere: From the antiquity till industrial revolution (pdf, 261kB)
  3. Atmosphere: Its origin, evolution and climate (pdf, 1.3M)
  4. Impact of air pollutants (pdf, 780kB)

Lecture Figures

  1. Introduction to fundamental processes in the atmosphere (pdf, 773kB)
  2. The history of a changing atmosphere (pdf, 2.3MB) 
  3. Fundamentals of air chemistry (pdf, 390kB)
  4. Anthropogenic sources of air pollutants Part 1 (pdf, 714kB)
  5. Anthropogenic sources of air pollutants Part 2 (pdf, 694kB)
  6. Ozone and oxidation capacity (pdf, 724kB)
  7. Atmospheric aerosol (PM pollution) (pdf, 1.77MB)

New scripts lecture cycle "Chemistry, Atmosphere and Climate"

(BTU account is condition precedent to download)

  1. Introduction: Fundamentals of atmospheric sciences (pdf, 572kB)
  2. Evolution of the atmosphere, earth and biosphere (pdf, 459kB)
  3. Biogeochemical cycles and natural sources (pdf, 506kB)
  4. Earth´s energy sources and the human carbon dimension (pdf, 900kB)
  5. Anthropogenic emissions: The human problem (pdf, 431kB)
  6. Climate, climate change and the climate system (pdf, 1,07GB)
  7. Atmospheric chemistry: Understanding global (pdf, 639kB)
  8. Global sustainable chemistry: The key to future (pdf, 618kB)

See also my book "Chemistry of the Climate System" (Flyer) and for books written in German.