Head of Workgroup

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Detlev Möller

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Detlev Möller


Humboldt University Berlin 1970 chemist's degree, 1972 Ph.D. in the field of electrochemical kinetics, habilitation 1982 on the atmospheric sulphur cycle. 1974-1991 in several institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the former GDR in Berlin, 1992-1994 head of the Berlin branch for air chemistry (ELC) of the Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research (IFU Garmisch-Partenkirchen).
1988-1992 lectures at Humboldt University, 1992-1994 at Free University, Institute for Meteorology, since 1993 at Technical University Cottbus.
Member of editorial boards (Idöjaras, Budapest; J. Ecological Chemistry, Petersburg), member of the Int. Center for Ecology belong the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warshaw, and rapporteur for cloud chemistry belong the WMO. Member of scientific academies in Germany (full member of Leibniz Society since 1997, external member of "Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt" the since 2003). Honory member of ther Hungarian Academy of Science 2010.

Publishing of the monographies "Chemistry of the Climate Sytem", 2nd fully revised and extended edition in 2014  (flyer), 786 pp. ISBN 978-3-11-033080-9 (DeGruyter Berlin, New York) and "Chemistry for Environmental Scientists" in 2015 (flyer) 380 pp. ISBN 978-3-11-040999-4 (DeGruyter Berlin, New York).

Special interests: Precipitation and cloud chemistry, sulphur and nitrogen cycle, photooxidants in multiphase chemistry (interfacial oxygen chemistry), history of atmospheric chemistry, sailing and painting.

List of Publications

  • Journals, Books and Proceedings
  • Patents
  • Research Reports
  • Lectures

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