Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Wieprecht


Physicist’s degree (1975) at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald. From 1976-1985 scientific co-worker in the Institute of Geography and Geoecology of the Academy of Science (AdW) of the GDR, department ecological-economical systems.

Doctor’s degree (1986) at the Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) of the AdW in the field of sulphur cycle and climate. Since 1988 scientific co-worker in the working group for air chemistry (at HHI, later IFU-FhG, now BTU) concerned with theoretical and experimental studies about atmospheric chemistry and physics.

Co-work within several projects of EU, BMBF, DFG and industry including contribution within numerous international and national field experiments. Experiences in measurements of aerosol and reactive gas phase components. Author and co-author of numerous papers in reviewed scientific journals as well of numerous contributions in specialized literature about environmental research.