Business Administration
Small meeting in the Masters programme in Business Administration
Master of Science (M.Sc.)


The two-year master’s programme has a research-oriented format. It trains practical abilities for different and changing business situations, but also research and social responsibility. In particular it cultivates abstraction and integration abilities, management of complex situations, scientific and team–oriented work methods as well as the ability to make independent decisions and judgements. The objective is to inspire students to undertake independent research on the basis of the methods, competences and various scientific perspectives learned. The students learn to tackle new and complex problems and to solve them using scientific methods, possibly even beyond the current breadth of knowledge.

Das vermehrte Interesse für Innovationen, insbesondere im technischen Bereich, kristallisierte sich erst zu Beginn meines Masterstudiums heraus. Da ich mich jedoch nie als unmittelbaren Techniker sah, bot mir die BTU mit dem BWL-Master und den verschiedenen Modulen zur Vertiefung genug Spielraum, um eine Entwicklung im Querschnittbereich BWL, Innovationen und IT/Digitalisierung zu ermöglichen.

Raik Meckert, Projektmanager im Bereich Innovation und Digitalisierung bei der Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH |

Professional Fields of Activity

Graduates have good chances on the job market due to the diverse range of career options open to them. For example, possible jobs might be in marketing and sales, business finance and accounting well as in personnel or business consulting, but also roles in the private sector, or starting one’s own company. The master's degree at the BTU also opens up the possibility of a subsequent Doctorate (Dr. rer. Pol., Or Dr. rer. Oec.), as well as of a scientific career.

Applications and Admissions

Admissions Requirements

At least a bachelor’s degree in one of the Business Administration study programmes of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg or an equivalent business science qualification

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