Clara Rellensmann

Born in 1983, Dr., M.A., Bachelor of Arts in “European Studies” from the University of Passau, Masters in “World Heritage Studies” from BTU Cottbus. Professional experience in the cultural heritage sector from cultural institutions in Costa Rica, Bahrain, Germany, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, from 2011 to 2016 for the UNESCO Offices in Bangkok and Yangon with a focus on building technical capacity of local governments and heritage professionals in cultural and natural heritage protection, in 2010/2011 fellow of the Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs, research project initially supported by the SNSF-funded project “Holy Spaces in Modernity. Transformations and Architectural Manifestations” at the Institute of Art History, University of Zurich (UZH), since April 2017 Research Associate at the Chair of Architectural Conservation at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and member of the DFG Research Training Group “Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings”, 2017–2020 Board Member of ICOMOS, Project manager for DAAD Summer Schools in Myanmar "Studio Bagan" 2018 and 2021, founding member of Haus Döschnitz e.V.

Research Project:

Appropriating Sacred Spaces. An Investigation of Bagan's Rebuilt Landscape



Rellensmann, Clara / Pwint, P. / Tin Htut Latt, Wint: Strengthening Cultural Heritage Conservation Through Interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning, in: Klumpner, H., Papanicolaou, K. E.: Transitioning to Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG11), MDPI Book Series: Transitioning to Sustainability, MDPI, 2021 (in print).

Rellensmann Clara (2022): Appropriating Sacred Spaces. An Investigation of Bagan’s Transformed Landscape, Diss. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg 2022.

Rellensmann, Clara (2020): Von einer Ruinenlandschaft zur Pagodenstadt: ideologisiertes Weiterbauen in Myanmar 1995–2011, in: Froschauer, E.M., Lorenz, W., Rellensmann, L., Wiesener, A., Vom Wert des Weiterbauens – konstruktive Lösungen und kulturgeschichtlicher Zusammenhänge, Basel 2020, pp. 67–82.

Rellensmann, Clara (2020): Wessen Erbe bewahren?, ad hoc international, 11.11.2020.

Rellensmann, Clara / Maas, Kelsey / Rellensmann, Luise (2020): „Diversify/Decolonize Heritage!“ Report on Kick-off Workshop, ICOMOS Deutschland website, August 2020.

Rellensmann, Clara / Stevens, James Miller (2020): Studio Bagan - Working across disciplines to contribute to the sustainable conservation of Myanmar’s flagship destination, in: Kollert, C. / Weidner, S.: Researching Cities and Designing Spaces – Research at the Institute of Urban Planning, Brandenburg University of Technology/IKMZ, 2020.

Rellensmann, Clara / Casper, Jens / Eisenloffel, Karen / Stevens, James Miller, Studio Bagan (2019): Heritage Tourism – Conflicts and Chances, Brandenburg University of Technology/IKMZ, 2019.

Rellensmann, Clara / Bartoli, Sandra / Linden, Silvan (2019): AG7 – Bagan, Büros für Konstruktivismus, Berlin 2019.

Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission: Welterbe bedeutet Verantwortung übernehmen!, Interview with Clara Rellensmann on the occasion of the
European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, April 2018.

Rellensmann, Clara / Mezzino, Davide / Santana Quintero, Mario / Ma Pwint, P. / Tin Htut Latt, W.: Technical Assistance for the Conservation of Built Heritage at Bagan, Myanmar, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLI-B5, 945-952, doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLI-B5-945-2016, 2016.

Rellensmann, Clara / Chandler, Jennifer: The UNESCO Recommendation for the Historic Urban Landscape: Applications in the Asian Context, Conference Paper for ICOMOS Thailand 2011 International Conference on Asian Urban Heritage, Phuket Town 15–17 October 2011.

Rellensmann, Clara: Heritage Conservation and Ideologies (a reader), Brandenburgische Technische Universität/IKMZ, Cottbus 2018.

Rellensmann, Clara / Römer, Alexander: STUDIO BAGAN – building in heritage context, Brandenburgische Technische Universität/IKMZ, Cottbus 2018.



“Accounting for the past or business as usual? The afterlife of ideologically transformed heritage sites in Myanmar since 2011.” Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 5th Biannual Conference, University College London, online, 26–30 August 2020.

Workshop: It’s complicated: Negotiating the diverse needs of stakeholders at living religious heritage sites (Leitung des Workshops zusammen mit Katelyn Williams)
Interpret Europe Conference: Engaging with Diversity, Sarajevo, 31 May – 3 June 2019.

World Heritage Information Session (Leitung zusammen mit Gabriel Caballero (Singapur))
ICOMOS Annual General Assembly, Buenos Aires, 3–6 December 2018.

“How to make merit in modernity? An investigation of Bagan’s reconstructed landscape.” Myanmar Studies Conference, Bonn, 16–18 June 2017.

“Authenticating reconstruction – An investigation of Bagan’s rebuilt landscape.” Architectural History Workshop, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB), London, 20 May 2017.