
“Architectures of Colonialism” is out now

The volume “Architectures of Colonialism: Constructed Histories, Conflicting Memories,” edited by Vera Egbers, Christa Kamleithner, Özge Sezer, and Alexandra Skedzuhn-Safir, has been published by Birkhäuser as a special volume in the publication series of the DFG Research Training Group.

On the reality of historical building. Value Setting and Constructive Recognition

28.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 | 18:00 - 15:00

28. Juni 2023: Peter-Behrens-Halle, TU Berlin, Campus Wedding, Hörsaal TIB 13B-A, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin
29. u. 30. Juni 2023: Vortragssaal des Brandenburgischen Landesmuseums für moderne Kunst (Dieselkraftwerk), Am Amtsteich 15, 03046 Cott

Final Colloquium of the DFG Graduate College 1913 "Cultural and Technical Values of Historical Buildings" of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg