Rebecca Erika Schmitt
Born in 1993, M.A.; Bachelor in Architecture at Technical University Munich (2013–2017) and National University of Singapore (2015–2016), Master in Heritage Conservation at Bamberg University (2017–2019); Master’s thesis in Building Archaeology (Prof. Breitling), title: “The west wing of the cloister of Bronnbach monastery. Documentation and damage analysis in consideration of the building and restauration history.” Student work at Barthel und Maus Beratende Ingenieure in Munich (2017) and at ProDenkmal GmbH in Bamberg (2018/19). From April 2020 research assistant and PhD candidate at DFG Research Training Group “Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings” at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg at the Chair of Construction History (Prof. Wendland), organisation of the workshop 'Geometrie und Konstruktion', working group Schalen- und Gewölbebau, Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte, 08.–10. September 2022, at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany.
Research Focus: Building documentation and analysis with laser scanning, stereotomy, historical structures and construction principles, early modern architectural treatises, architecture history of the early modern period
Membership: Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte
Research Project:
Schmitt, Rebecca Erika; Wendland, David: Untersuchung der geometrischen Konzeption der Gewölbe der Basilika Vierzehnheiligen auf Basis von 3D-Scanningdaten im Kontext der Stereotomie, in: Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte (ed.): Tagungsband der Fünften Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte (in print).
Schmitt, Rebecca Erika: Geometric design and construction of a Late Baroque brick vault. Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer's Benedictine Church of the Holy Cross and St. Hedwig at Legnickie Pole, in: Construction History Society (eds.): Timber and Building Construction. The Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of the Construction History Society. Cambridge 2022, pp. 143–155. BTU Open Access.
Schmitt, Rebecca Erika; Wendland, David: The geometric design of the “Guarinesque” vaults in Banz and Vierzehnheiligen in relation to the treatises of stereotomy, in: Mascarenhas-Mateus, J., Pires, A.P., Caiado, M.M., & Veiga, I. (eds.): History of Construction Cultures. Band 2. Boca Raton 2021, pp. 371–378. DOI; BTU Open Access.
Schmitt, Rebecca Erika: Die Baugeschichte als Ursache der Tragwerksauffälligkeiten des Bronnbacher Klausurwestflügels, in: Historischer Verein Wertheim in Verbindung mit dem Staatsarchiv Wertheim (ed.): Wertheimer Jahrbuch 2019/2020. Wertheim 2021, pp. 23–44.
'Geometrie und Konstruktion', Workshop of the working group Schalen- und Gewölbebau, Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte, 8.–10. September 2022, at BTU Cottbus, Germany.
Title of the lecture: Geometrie und Konstruktion der Gewölbe der Baumeisterfamilie Dientzenhofer.
PhD Colloquium and Workshop of the chair of Building Archaeology and Construction History of ETH Zurich, 30 August – 1 September 2022, Castasegna, Switzerland.
Title of the lecture (with invitation): Geometric design of the vaults of the Dientzenhofer family: case studies.
Ninth Annual Conference of the Construction History Society, 1–3 April 2022, Queens' College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Title of the lecture: Geometric design and construction of a Late Baroque brick vault. Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer's Benedictine Church of the Holy Cross and St. Hedwig at Legnickie Pole.
7th International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH), 12–16 July 2021, Lisbon School of Architecture, Lisbon, Portugal
Title of the lecture: The geometric design of the "Guarinesque" vaults in Banz and Vierzehnheiligen in relation to the treatises of stereotomy.
Fünfte Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Bautechnikgeschichte, 10–11 June 2021, Institut für Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung (IDB), ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Title of the lecture: Untersuchung der geometrischen Konzeption der Gewölbe der Basilika Vierzehnheiligen auf Basis von 3D-Scanningdaten im Kontext der Stereotomie.