Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina

INFO: In the winter semester 2024/25, Prof. Amelina is in her research semester.



since May 2018 awarded with the title UNESCO Chair of Heritage Studies 

since May 2017 Full Professor for Intercultural Studies at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (W3), Institute for Philosophy and Social Science, Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences     


2013 – 2017 Junior Professor of Sociology with a focus on Migration Studies (W1), Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

2007–2013 Researcher (at the chair “Transnationalization and Development”) Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany 

2005–2006 Researcher (at the chair “Sociology of Media”) Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany

2005–2006 Researcher in the “Transnational Political Practices of Migrants” project, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany


2016 Habilitation, Venia Legendi in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany 

2005 PhD in Sociology at Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany 

1999 Diploma in Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany


2000–2003 PhD scholarship from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for PhD studies at the Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany 

1998–1999 Student scholarship from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for diploma thesis project, Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany


since May 2018: Conferment of the title UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies

2017: Best Paper of 2017, awarded by the journal „Migration Studies“ (Oxford Academic Publisher) for Re-Thinking the Politics of Migration.On the Uses and Challenges of Regime Perspectives for Migration Research (with K. Horvath und K. Peters), Migration Studies 5(3): 301–314

2006 Best Dissertation of the Year Award from the University Society at the Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University

Research Areas
  • Sociology of Culture and Knowledge
  • Transnational Studies
  • Post-/Decolonial and Postsocialist Studies
  • Sociology of Migration
  • Sociology of Social Inequalities
  • European Studies
  • Qualitative Methods


2019 Gender and Migration. Transnational and Intersectional Prospects (with Helma Lutz), London, Routledge (paperback 2020)

2017 Transnationalizing Inequalities in Europe: Sociocultural Boundaries, Assemblages and Regimes of Intersection, London, Routledge

2017 Gender, Migration, Transnationalisierung: Eine intersektionelle Einführung(with Helma Lutz), Bielefeld, transcript

2006 Propaganda oder Autonomie: Russisches Fernsehen von 1970 bis heute, Bielefeld, transcript

Edited Collections

2020 Boundaries of European Social Citizenship. Governance, Discourses and Experiences of European Social Security (with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer), London, Routledge

2016 An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation. European Perspectives (with K. Horvath and B. Meeus), Cham: Springer Science.

2013 Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Empirical Migration Research (with T. Faist and D. D. Nergiz), London, Routledge, reprint issue, originally published in 2012.

2012 Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies(with D. D. Nergiz, T. Faist and N. Glick Schiller), London, Routledge.

Review: Nestor Rodriguez: "Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies", edited by Anna Amelina, Devrimsel D. Nergiz, Thomas Faist, and Nina Glick Schiller <>, in Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews (43) January 2014 (1): 63-65. 

Special Issues

2022 Transnational Social Protection: Inclusion for Whom? Theoretical Reflections and Migrant Experiences, Social Inclusion 10(1) (hrsg. mit E. Scheibelhofer und E. Carmel)

2021 Conflicts over Migration, Classifications and Belonging, Special Issue Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (ed. with J. Schäfer and M. Trzeciak)

2021 Societalization Across Borders. Global, Transnational and Postcolonial Perspectives, Special Issue Current Sociology, 69(3) (ed. with A. Weiß, M. Boatcă and G. Bongaerts)

2017 Migration Regimes in the Spotlight: The Politics of Migration in an Age of Uncertainty, Migration Studies 5(3), (with K. Horvath and K. Peters)

2014 Mobile Inequalities in a Mobile Europe, Migration Letters 11(2), (with A. Vasilache)

2012 Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Empirical Migration Research, Ethnic and Racial Studies, special issue 35(10), (with T. Faist and D. D. Nergiz)

Refereed Articles

2022 Knowledge production for whom? Doing migrations, colonialities and standpoints in non-hegemonic migration research. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-23.

2021 After the Reflexive Turn in Migration Studies. Towards the Doing Migration Approach,Population, Space and Place 27(1): e2368

2021 Gender in Migration Studies. From Feminist Legacies to Intersectional, Post‐ and Decolonial Prospects(with H. Lutz), Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung 1(1): 55–73

2021 Theorizing Large-Scale Societal Relations Through the Conceptual Lens of Cross-Border Assemblages, Current Sociology, Special Issue „Analyzing Cross-Border Societalization. Global, Transnational and Postcolonial Perspectives“, doi:10.1177/0011392120931145

2021Theorizing Societalization Across Borders. Globality, Transnationality, Postcoloniality (with M. Boatcă, G. Bongaerts and A. Weiß), Current Sociology, doi:10.1177/0011392120952119

2021 Classificatory Struggles Revisited. Theorizing Current Conflicts over Migration, Belonging and Membership (with J. Schäfer and M. Trzeciak), Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 19(1): 1–8

2020 Regimes of Intersection. Facing the Manifold Interplays of Discourses, Institutions, and Inequalities in the Regulation of Migration (with K. Horvath), Migration Letters 17(4): 487–497

2020 'Forced migrant families' assemblages of care and social protection between solidarity and inequality' (with N. Bause), Journal of Family Research  32(3): 415-434

2017 'Re-Thinking the Politics of Migration. On the Uses and Challenges of Regime Perspectives for Migration Research'(with K. Horvath and K. Peters), in: Migration Studies 5(3): 301-314

2015 'The Kazakh–German Social Space: Decreasing Transnational Ties and Symbolic Social Protection' (with Sienkiewicz, J. and Y. Sadovskaya), Population, Space and Place, 21(2): 270 – 281

2015 'Approaching Transnational Social Protection: Methodological Challenges and Empirical Applications'(with Barglowski, K. and Bilecen, B.), Population, Space and Place, 21(2): 215-226

2014 'The Shadows of Enlargement: Theorising Mobility and Inequality in a Changing Europe' (with A. Vasilache), Migration Letters, 11(2): 109-124

2013Hierarchies and Categorical Power in Cross-Border Science: Analyzing Scientists’ Transnational Mobility between Ukraine and Germany, in: Vullnetary, J. and King, R. (eds.) South East and European and Black Sea Studies, special issue 13(2): „Migration, Transnationalism and Development in the Balkans and CEE“: 141-155

2012 Socio-spatial Scales as Social Boundaries? Or: How Do Migration Studies Profit from Including “Space” in the Sociology of Social Boundaries’, Migration Letters, 9(3): 193–214

2012De-Naturalizing the National in Research Methodologies: Key Concepts of Transnational Studies in Migration(with T. Faist), in: "Methodologies on the Move: The Transnational Turn in Empirical Migration Research", Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(10): 1707-1724

2011 An Intersectional Approach to the Complexity of Social Support within German–Ukrainian Transnational Space’, in: Chow, E., Texler Segal, M. and Tan L. (eds.) "Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global, Transnational and Local Contexts", Advances in Gender Research, special issue 15(2): 211–234

2010 Transnationale Inklusion und hybride Wissensordnungen als konzeptionelle Alternativen zur Assimilations- und Akkulturationsdebatte’, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 20(2): 257–279

2010Searching for an Appropriate Research Strategy on Transnational Migration: The Logic of Multi-Sited Research and the Advantage of the Cultural Interferences Approach, Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung/Qualitative Social Research, 11(1), Art. 17

2008 Turkish Migrant Associations in Germany: Between Integration Pressure and Transnational Linkages’ (with T. Faist), Revue européenne des migrations internationales (RMI), 24(2): 91–120

2008 Asymmetrie der Verhältnisse: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Fernsehen der Russischen Föderation, Publizistik – Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, 53(1): 25–47 

2007 Evolution der Medien und der Medienkontrolle im postsowjetischen Russland, Soziale Welt, 58(2): 163–186

Book Chapters

2021 Intersectionality and Transnationality as Key Tools for Gender Sensitive Migration Research (with Helma Lutz) In: Mora, Claudia & Piper, Nicola (eds): The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration, Cham Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan and Springer Nature, pp.55-72

2021 'Decentring Comparative Strategies in Cross-Border Studies: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Scale-Making within Assemblages', in Lallement, M/Giraud, O. (eds) Decentring Comparative Analysis in the Globalized World,Brill (in print)

2020 'European Welfare between Complex Regulatory Frameworks and Mobile Europeans’ Experiences of Social (In)security', in: Boundaries of European Social Citizenship. Governance, Discourses and Experiences of European Social Security (ed. with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer), London, Routledge: 1-18

2020 'Theorizing European Social Citizenship: Governance, Discourses, and Experiences of Transnational Social Security', in: Boundaries of European Social Citizenship. Governance, Discourses and Experiences of European Social Security (with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer), London, Routledge: 19-45

2020 'From Subordination to Empowerment? Mobile Europeans’ Access to and Portability of Social Security Rights between Bulgaria and Germany '(with J. Fingarova), in A. Amelina, E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer (eds.) Boundaries of European Social Citizenship. Governance, Discourses and Experiences of European Social Security (with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer), London, Routledge: 133-154

2020 'Labyrinths of European Social Citizenship: Variations in and Levels of Comparison' (with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer), in: Boundaries of European Social Citizenship. Governance, Discourses and Experiences of European Social Security (with E. Carmel, A. Runfors and E. Scheibelhofer), London, Routledge: 199-212

2019 'Gender Mobile und Gendered Mobilities: Paradigmatische Grundlagen der gendersensiblen Migrationsforschung' (mit M. Trzeciak), in A. Röder und D. Zifonun (eds.) Handbuch Migrationsforschung, Springer VS

2019 'Key Methodological Tools for Diaspora Studies: Combining Transnational and Intersectional Approaches'(with K. Barglowski), in Cohen, R. and C. Fischer (eds) Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies, London, Routledge, 31-39

2017 'Sociology of Migration' (with K.Horvath), in: Kathleen Korgen (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology

2017'Egozentrierte Netzwerkanalyse in der Biographieforschung: Methodologische Potenziale und empirische Veranschaulichung' (mit B. Bilecen), in: Lutz, H., Schiebel, M. und E. Tuider (Hrsg.) Handbuch Biographieforschung, Wiesbaden, Springer VS

2016 'Migration and Social Transformation: Interdisciplinary Insights and European Perspectives' (with Horvath, K. and B. Meeus), in: “An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation: European Perspectives“ (eds. with K. Horvath und B. Meeus), Springer Science: 1-15

2014 'Jenseits des Primat-Paradigmas? Zum Verhältnis von Intersektionalität und Differenzierungsformen aus der poststrukturalistischen Perspektive: Ensembles, Hierarchien und Wissensregimes', in: Martina Löw (ed.) Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main: Campus: 933-944

2014 ‘Sexualität‘ und ‚Transnationalität‘ aus der intersektionellen Perspektive“(with Barglowski, K. und B. Bilecen), in: Martina Löw (ed.) Vielfalt und Zusammenhalt. Verhandlungen des 36. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bochum und Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main: Campus

2013 ‘Transnationale Inklusion als ein multi-lokales Phänomen: Ein Abschied vom Assimilationsparadigma der Migrationsforschung’, in: Ezli, Ö., Langenohl, A., Rauer, C. und Voigtmann, C. (Hrsg.) Die Integrationsdebatte zwischen Assimilation und Diversität: Grenzziehungen in Theorie, Kunst und Gesellschaft, Bielefeld, transcript: 119-155

2013 Jenseits des Homogenitätsmodells der Kultur: Zur Analyse von Transnationalität und kulturellen Interferenzen auf der Grundlage der hermeneutischen Wissenssoziologie, in: Bettman, R. und Roslon, M. (Hrsg.) Going Distance: Impulse für die interkulturelle qualitative Sozialforschung, Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: 35-59

2012 ‘Methodological Predicaments of Cross-Border Studies’ (with T. Faist, N. Glick Schiller and D. D. Nergiz), in: Amelina, A., Nergiz, D. D., Faist, T. and Glick Schiller, N. (eds.) Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies, London,Routledge: 1-22

2012 Scaling Inequalities? Sociology of Space and of Social Boundaries in Studies on Migration and Social Inequalities’, in: Soeffner, H.-G. (ed.) Transnationalisierung sozialer Welt: Kongressband des 35. Soziologiekongresses, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag: 483-495

Working Papers

Since 2020, Co-Editor Working Paper Series „Migration, Konflikt und sozialer Wandel“ of the research platform MIKOWA at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (with Heike Radvan and Birgit Behrensen)

2014–2017, Editor of the Working Paper Series „Gender, Diversity and Migration“, Institute of Sociology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main.

2017Intra-EU Mobility and Selective European Social Citizenship. Profiles of Welfare Inclusion and Exclusion in the Context of EU Social Security Coordination (with F. Zabransky), WSF Working Paper #2/2017, Berlin: NORFACE Welfare Statue Futures

2017 'After the Reflexive Turn in Migration Studies: Toward the Doing Migration Approach', in: “Gender, Diversity and Migration” Working Paper 13/2017, Frankfurt am am Main: Goethe-University Frankfurt, Department of Social Sciences    

2017 'A Network Approach to Migrants’ Transnational Biographies' (with B. Bilecen), in: “Gender, Diversity and Migration” Working Paper 12/2017, Frankfurt am Main: Goethe-University Frankfurt, Department of Social Sciences

2016 'A Comparative Analysis of the Portability of Social Security Rights within the European Union. Bulgaria-Germany Case Study' (with H. Markova and J. Fingarova), WSF Policy Brief 2/2016  

2012 'Ties That Protect: The Significance of Transnationality for the Distribution of Informal Social Protection in Migrant Networks' (with B. Bilecen, K. Barglowski and T. Faist), SFB 882 Working Paper Series (Vol. 6), DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities, Bielefeld

2012 'Hierarchies and Categorical Power in Cross-Border Science: Analyzing Scientists’ Transnational Mobility between Ukraine and Germany', working paper 111/2012, Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development, Bielefeld

2010 'Soziale Ungleichheit jenseits des Nationalstaates? Forschungsessays der Studierenden', Working paper 88/2010, Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development, Bielefeld

2009 'Migrants’ Gendered Strategies of Social Support and Their Inequality Effects in the Context of ‘German–Ukrainian’ Transnational Space', working paper 67/2009, Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development, Bielefeld

2007 'A Civilizational Perspective on the Research on Transnational Formations: A Methodological Proposal', working paper 18/2007, Centre on Migration, Citizenship and Development, Bielefeld