Completed Projects (Prof. P. Osterrieder)

Thermal effect of fly ash on reinforced concrete silos

Brief description
Silos in coal-fired power plants are used for the intermediate storage of fly ash from the electrostatic precipitator. In addition to quasi-static effects due to wind, plant technology, payloads, bulk material, etc., high temperature effects in particular must be taken into account. When the fly ash enters the silo, it is not uncommon for its temperature to exceed 80 °C. The temperature of the fly ash in the silo can be very high. Depending on the stiffness of the structure, this results in design-determining constraint stresses. Investigations show that the temperature distribution in the bulk material varies strongly in time and location. In order to determine more precisely the behavior of the structure in the interaction between temperature effect and bulk material load, filling and emptying processes are modeled numerically.

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Marc Simon

Funding Institution
Own research

Numerical simulation, temperature profile, silo structures, fly ash

Modeling of a rotary tank for cleaning water

Brief description
Numerical calculation of stresses for a rotating and sediment-filled container made of polypropylene. The tank is to be used in cleaning machines. The rotation of the tank is used to clean dirty water.

Ing. D. Häßler, M. Sc.

Funding Institution

Numerical simulation, solids of revolution, hydrostatic pressure.

Computer-aided load-bearing calculation of plates according to yield line theory

Brief description
Development of an algorithm that can be implemented in computer programs for the calculation of the ultimate load of slabs. Realistic, fast and efficient calculation using yield line theory.

Dipl.-Ing. J. Weichert

Funding Institution
Internal research

yield lines, fracture lines, ultimate load, steel construction, reinforced concrete construction, numerical methods

Product model DtH - Continuous data transfer to minimize resource consumption

(Subproject 3 in the joint project "Innovative timber system construction through optimised production and integrated planning methods" of the German Society for Wood Research)

Brief description
Extension of the product model DtH by structures for production optimization and automation in timber system construction; integration of DtH into the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for the purpose of complete support of the sub-product models architecture - structural analysis - building services - AVA - production with international acceptance of the product model; transfer of DtH into the IAI domain ST-5 "Structural Timber Model".

Dipl.-Ing. S. Richter

19 months

product model, timber construction, data transfer

Funding Institution
This project was funded by the Forschungszentrum Jülich in the Helmholtz Association under the code 0330424 with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Buckling of sheet steel constructions

Brief description
Method of spline functions, geometrically and physically nonlinear calculation of steel plate structures at risk of buckling, exact integration of the general Prandtl-Reuß law, nonlinear bending torsion theory, method of effective widths, method of effective internal forces.

Dr.-Ing. J. Zhu

Funding Institution
Internal research

Steel construction, stability, numerical methods

Analytical buckling and bending torsional buckling capacity curves according to the elastic-elastic method in DIN 18800 Part 2

Brief description
Extension of the equivalent member check according to DIN 18800 to the elastic-elastic calculation method. The verification method contained in the standard is modified in such a way that, with the help of an approximation factor, a buckling or torsional buckling verification can be carried out depending on the profile and steel type when limiting the material stress to the elastic range. The approximation factors are available in tabulated form for all common profiles. Thus, the application of the equivalent member check is also possible for components with not predominantly static load.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Osterrieder
Dr.-Ing. J. Kretzschmar
Dr.-Ing. B. Beirow

Funding Institution
Engineering office H. Fiedler, Lingen

Steel construction, stability, bending buckling, bending torsional buckling

Simplified design of crane runway girders for light and medium duty operation

Brief description
Bending torsional buckling analysis for crane runway girders without horizontal bracing with vertical and horizontal wheel loads, development of a simple design and verification procedure using diagrams, design diagrams contain verification of load-bearing capacity and serviceability.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Osterriedercand.-ing. S. Richter

Funding Institution
Internal research

Steel construction, stability, bending torsional buckling

Update of the product model timber construction for timber engineering, carpentry and prefabricated house construction

Brief description
Data transfer in timber construction - Development of a product model for the data exchange of software for planning and manufacturing. All planning and manufacturing information for a building is stored in the product model in a redundancy-free and reference-related manner. The product model consists of a digital building model and the sub-models design, construction, structural analysis, production and AVA. With regard to the desired acceptance by software developers, particular importance is attached to a software-related, construction- and material-specific description in parametric form.

Dipl.-Ing. J. Weichert

24 months

Product model, timber construction, data transfer

Funding Institution
This project was sponsored by the German Society for Wood Research (DGfH), Munich, with funds from the Federal Ministry of Economics via the AiF under the number 11403 B.

Design aids for the cross-sectional load-bearing capacity of rolled I-sections under normal force, biaxial bending and arch torsion loads

Brief description
Determination of the plastic limit load capacity of rolled or welded steel cross-sections taking into account all internal forces relevant to normal stresses, estimation of the influence of shear stresses from shear force and St. Venant's torsion, creation of graphical design aids for use in the bending torsional buckling check according to the E-P method in accordance with DIN 18800 Part 2, sample calculations for the application of the diagrams for stability checks relevant to construction practice.

Dr.-Ing. J. Kretzschmar
Dipl.-Ing. H. Kunze
Dipl.-Ing. M. Springmann

Funding Institution

steel construction, load bearing capacity, plasticity

Dynamic building diagnostics with hybrid methods

Brief description
System identification by means of dynamic methods (model updating), monitoring of television and telecommunications towers, prediction of structural responses on the basis of neural networks, wind tunnel investigations of structures, damage diagnosis on the basis of simulation calculations.

Dipl.-Ing. B. Beirow

Funding Institution
Internal research

Dynamic structure diagnosis, load-bearing behaviour predictions

Proof of safety against buckling on girders

Brief description
Reduction of the buckling slenderness under complete consideration of the elastic and geometric stiffnesses of the components (chords) adjoining the buckling field, interaction with bending buckling and bending torsional buckling of the girder, verification for combined effect of the total stressing

Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Osterrieder
Dipl.-Ing. M. Friedrich

Funding Institution
Internal research

Steel construction, stability, buckling safety analysis