Application for Bachelor's study programmes with German higher education entrance qualifications

When applying to study at the BTU, please be aware that there are study programmes with and without admission limits (numerus clausus (NC)). Which application modalities apply depends on the chosen study programme.

The enrolment as a first semester bachelor student in the summer semester is not possible. The Bachelor's programmes in Digital Society and Economathematics are an exception to this rule. For this courses of studies are an application for the 1st semester also possible. The classification in a higher semester only takes place when the proof of at least 24 credit points for the 2nd semester is adjusted. For each additional semester to be adapted, 30 credit points are required.

Deadlines for applications for the Summer Semester 2025:

Application to a higher semester1st March 2025
Economathematics (1st semester):15th March 2025
1. What requirements do I need to fulfil?
  • General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur),
    also from Deutschen Auslandsschulen (German schools abroad) or
  • Vocational higher education entrance qualification (Fachabitur) or
  • Passed a master craftsman training examination in a subject area related to the intended area of studies or
  • Graduation from a Studienkolleg or
  • Completion of secondary level I or an equivalent and have vocational training with at least two years of professional experience

Further information on higher education entrance qualification

2. Where, when and how do I apply?

From 1st December 2024 prospective students with German higher education degrees can apply for the summer semester 2025

In 3 steps to the successful application:

Step 1 - Preparation

It is helpful if you have the necessary documents at hand to specify average grades or periods for example. Therefore, have your higher education entrance qualification and subject-specific documents (e. g. Doctor's certificate) ready.

You also need certain documents as a file (PDF, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF up to 9.9 MB) for uploading.

Step 2 - Register now on myBTU

First, you need to register in the myBTU portal. Please fill in all required fields. After self-registration, you will receive a message to the e-mail address you have specified, describing how to proceed. This message contains your user data that you can use to log in to myBTU later.

Please note!!!
Applicants for the admission-restricted Bachelor' study programmes in Social work, Social work – Double Degree with the Jacob of Paradies University Gorzow (POL) and Social work – Double Degree with the West University of Timisoara (ROU) must register at

Step 3 - Apply via myBTU

You will be guided through the application by an assistant. All mandatory information is indicated by an asterisk (*). For help on individual input fields, click on the "Info" icon. If you still have technical or technical questions, please contact the points listed under "Help and Support". You can interrupt the application at any time and resume it later if you must recalculate information. Your previous information is retained.

In addition to specifying the desired study programme, your application also includes your data on the Bachelor's entrance qualification (usually a higher education entrance qualification) and, if applicable, information on services rendered, professional experience or other requests, e.g. for hardship.

With the function "Print control sheet" you can control all your entered data.

You can get an overview of the status of the individual applications via myBTU.

You can only process the application and the related information before finalizing it by clicking on "Apply". Thereafter, changes can only be made after the application has been withdrawn, and the application will not be processed by the university until it is re-issued!

3. What documents do I need to submit?

For admission to a Bachelor's study programme, the following documents (documents relevant for admission to the application and subject) must be uploaded to the myBTU portal during the application process (valid file formats PDF, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF max. 9.9 MB):

Documents for application:

  • Copy of the higher education entrance qualification, e.g. Abiturzeugnis (If the original is not in German or English, then we need in addition a translation to German or English from a sworn translator.)
  • complete curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Copy of the identity card or passport
  • Form for the previous course of studies or certificate of study
  • with already completed university degree:
    Copy of a document proving the completion of a bachelor or higher level degree – If the degree is not yet completed, then submit a copy of your transcript of records with a current overall average grade. A copy of the bachelor certificate is to be turned in at the latest upon enrolment.

Documents on the subject:

  • Proof of completed vocational training (simple copy)
  • Proof of successful completion of a study preparation programme at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • BTU admission letter
  • for study programmes with restricted admission: Social Work, Social Work (double degree with Gorzow-PL), Social Work (double degree with Timisoara-RO) additionally:
    if applicable, proof of a service rendered
    if applicable, evidence of the hardship application (Information on the hardship case application can be found in our leaflet)
    if applicable, evidence of preferential admission (prior notice of admission or notice of restitution)
    if applicable, evidence of the Request for compensation for disadvantages - improvement of average grade 
    if applicable, evidence of the Request for compensation for disadvantages - improvement of waiting time
    if applicable, reasons for a second degree
  • for study programmes in English additionally:
    Proof of English language skills
  • for study programmes in German additionally:
    if applicable, Proof of German language skills
  • for Bachelor´s study programme Architecture additionally:
    Workbook with 10 self-made artistic-creative works in A3 format
  • for Bachelor's study programme Nursing Science additionally:
    Form Medical Certificate 
  • for Bachelor's study programme Therapeutic Sciences additionally:
    Form Medical Certificate
  • for Bachlor's study programme Midwifery Science additionally:
    Practice contract with a cooperation partner
  • for Bachelor's study programme Instrumental and Vocal pedagogy additionally:
    Registration for the audition or proof of passing the audition
  • for Dual study programme (engineering) additionally:
    Copy of the training or study contract (If you have not yet found a cooperating company or if the contract is still in progress, the contract must be submitted as soon as possible, but at the latest at the time of enrolment. However, you can also be enroled in the regular course of study without a contract, provided that you meet all other admission requirements. If necessary, it is then possible to change to the Dual study programme after enrolment). 

Your data will be saved after admission has been granted and online enrolment has been carried out. The following documents (documents relevant to enrolment) must be uploaded for successful enrolment at the myBTU portal (valid file formats PDF, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF max. 9.9 MB):

Documents for enrolment:

  • Enrolment application (signed)
  • complete curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Copy of the identity card or passport
  • for underage applicants additionally: 
    Letter of consent to study from the parents 
  • a coloured passport photo
  • For university transfers within Germany: Certificate of removal from the register of students  for university transfers within Germany and certificate of non-objection  (proof of entitlement to examination)
  • if applicable, visa for study purposes (priority for all non-EU citizens)

For enrolment, we require an electronic notification of your health insurance status from your health insurance company. Please contact your health insurance company for this. This electronically confirms your insurance status to us. Applicants who are privately insured or insured abroad should contact any statutory health insurance company in Germany. In any case, please specify our sender number H0000859. Proof of health insurance

4. What happens next in the application process?

Your application will be processed as soon as possible. You can expect a processing time of around one week. The status of your application can be tracked at any time via myBTU. If we have any further questions for you, we will get in touch with you via the myBTU or by e-mail. Please check your myBTU portal and your mailbox regularly.  For study programmes that participate in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure of the Foundation for University Admissions (, places will be allocated at a later date.

The creation of notices (e.g. letter of admission, letter of rejection) is carried out completely by automatic facilities in myBTU. A notice made available for retrieval on the myBTU portal shall be deemed to have been issued on the third day after the electronic notification of the provision of the data has been sent. It is therefore legally binding. The data will not be sent by post. For study programmes that participate in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure of the Foundation for University Admissions (
- The letter of admission can be retrieved from the myBTU portal.
- The letter of rejection, exclusion or deferral is made available or sent via the portal of the Foundation for University Admissions (

Then accept the offer of admission and submit your application of enrolment online. After completing the online enrolment, please upload your signed enrolment application and, if applicable, any other documents (see letter of admission) to the myBTU. If you have any problems, contact us by  e-mail (immatrikulation(at)

5. Video tutorials for myBTU

The video tutorials are designed to illustrate the steps from registration to applying for enrolment via myBTU. Watch the videos step by step.

1. Register in the myBTU portal and first steps for application
2. Submit an application on myBTU portal
3. View notifications on the myBTU portal
4. Submit enrolment application on the myBTU portal

If you have any questions afterwards, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or phone:

T +49 (0)355 69 5604